JavaNSQClient copied to clipboard
Fast Java client for NSQ
I try to set the timeout of NSQConsumer but this throw a Cast Exception ``` NSQConfig config= new NSQConfig(); config.setMsgTimeout(Util.NSQ_MSG_TIMEOUT); NSQConsumer consumer = new NSQConsumer(lookup, topic, NsqChannelConst.REPORTS_CHANNEL, (message) -> {...
``` java.lang.IllegalStateException: Queue full at java.util.AbstractQueue.add( at com.github.brainlag.nsq.Connection.incoming( at com.github.brainlag.nsq.netty.NSQHandler.lambda$channelRead0$3( at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks( at at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$ at ``` Went through the code and found the following line...
nsq version:1.0 os:centos 7.4 codes: public static void main( String[] args ) { NSQLookup lookup = new DefaultNSQLookup(); lookup.addLookupAddress("", 4161); NSQConsumer consumer = new NSQConsumer(lookup, "TestTopic", "dusti", (message) -> {...

I use android studio run this test . java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/util/Optional;
Hi, I am wondering how to connect to nsqd without lookup. The consumer samples online always use nsqdlookup firstly then connect and I've failed to find a way to set...
Producer works fine, but consumer can not start . Stacktrace may like this: com.github.brainlag.nsq.exceptions.NoConnectionsException: Could not connect to server at com.github.brainlag.nsq.Connection.( ~[nsq-client-1.0.0.RC4.jar:?] at com.github.brainlag.nsq.NSQConsumer.createConnection( ~[nsq-client-1.0.0.RC4.jar:?] at com.github.brainlag.nsq.NSQConsumer.connect( ~[nsq-client-1.0.0.RC4.jar:?] at com.github.brainlag.nsq.NSQConsumer.lambda$start$0(
Netty dependency is now updated to 4.1.19.Final as it's used as peer dependencies that are commonly used with the nsq client. Fixes #41
There are breaking changes between 4.1 and 4.0 Most of the project start to use 4.1 and this creates classpath errors. It'll be good upgrading netty to 4.1.x