winston-azure-application-insights copied to clipboard
Azure Application Insights transport for Winston
Using Winston 3.3.3 on Node 14.16.0, everything works in our alpine linux container. When upgrading the container to 16.13.1 LTS, it dies with the following error: ``` TypeError: Cannot convert...
There is only one transport, added like this: ``` winston.add(winston.createLogger({ transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ handleExceptions: true, format: winston.format.combine( winston.format.simple() ), }), ] })); ``` When a new Error thrown from...
The Winston folks released 3.0 about a month ago (mid June) and there are apparently a number of breaking changes. The current dependency is on ^2.3.0 so we are safe...
Thanks for making this module, it was really easy to get our logs into app insights from our existing winston logs. One thing we discovered was that our log metadata...