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Mustache template integration with Flask


Mustache templating tools for integration with Flask.

Warning: this extension is opinionated

It assumes the following things:

  • You want first-class Mustache template rendering inside your Jinja templates;
  • You want to share templates between Javascript and your server;
  • .mustache files live alongside your regular Jinja templates;
  • You're using jQuery on the client.

If you're okay with all of the above, read on.

Adding to Flask

If Flask-Mustache is installed in your pythonpath, it'll be automatically made available under flask.ext:

from flask.ext.mustache import FlaskMustache

There are two ways to add your app, depending on preference.

# noop style

# or as a WSGI-middleware style wrapper
app = FlaskMustache.attach(app)

In both cases the results are the same.

Serving static assets

Flask-Mustache is implemented as a Flask Blueprint so that it can bring its own Jinja templates and static assets along. One interesting quirk (bug) of Flask Blueprints is that they can only serve static assets if they're configured with a URL prefix. In the case of Flask-Mustache, that URL prefix is automatically set to /_mustache.

Flask-Mustache comes with a jQuery plugin that loads your templates for you in Javascript. To serve this file the regular Flask way:

{{ url_for('mustache.static', filename='mustache-loader.js') }}

or via Flask-Assets:


and that's it.

Using in Jinja

This extension provides a global function named mustache. It takes a few arguments:

  1. A path to a template. This path is based on your Flask template path (it uses the Flask jinja_env load path to find templates)
  2. A context object in the form of a dictionary; or
  3. **kwargs that become the Mustache context.
  4. a dictionary of partials (optional)


{{ mustache('includes/_user_profile.mustache', {'user_id':1, 'user_name': 'Bob'}) }}
{{ mustache('includes/_user_profile.mustache', user_id=1, user_name='Bob') }}
{{ mustache('includes/_user_profile.mustache', partials={'welcome_note':'includes/welcome.mustache'}, user_id=1, user_name='Bob') }}

In the last example, _user_profile.mustache can have a reference to the partial welcome_note as {> welcome_note}.

Using in Javascript

Flask-Mustache provides a jQuery plugin that lets you load templates off the "filesystem" automatically. To load the above example (no kwargs in Javascript):

$('<div />').mustache('includes/_user_profile.mustache', {user_id:1, user_name:'Bob'})

Creates a new div with the contents of whatever Mustache returned.

There are two other ways of using the plugin. The first just returns the rendered HTML (so you can use it however you want):

$('<div />'>.html($.mustache('includes/_user_profile.mustache', {user_id:1, user_name:'Bob'}));

and the second returns a function that can be stored as a variable, for example in the Backbone.js style:

var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: $.mustacheAsFunction('includes/_user_profile.mustache'),
    render: function() {
        this.$el.html(this.template({user_id:1, user_name:'Bob'}));

Both of above forms support mustache partials -

var partials = {welcome_note: 'Welcome, \{\{user_name \}\}' };
$('<div />').mustache('includes/_user_profile.mustache', {user_id:1, user_name:'Bob'}, partials=partials)

In the above example, _user_profile.mustache has reference to the welcome_note partial with {> welcome_note }.

The jQuery plugin requires either Hogan.js or Mustache.js in development.

Loading templates via Javascript in development

The templates are read off the file system and dropped into the template by a context processor. After this the Javascript can pick them up via regular DOM methods. Put this into your main inherited jinja template:

{{ mustache_templates }}

and that's it.

Loading templates via Javascript in production

Your templates should be pre-compiled in production so you don't tax the client. You can do this using the Hogan.js binary hulk, which is available if you have installed Hogan.js using npm. hulk takes a space separated list of files as arguments and outputs the compiled template javascript to stdout. You can output this javascript to a file, e.g.:

hulk templates/includes/_user_profile.mustache > static/compiled_mustache.js

Serve this javascript file in place of the templates rendered by the jinja context processor when in production. You will also need to include the Hogan.js client javascript

If you have a number of templates, and/or you want to make the pre-compilation part of your deployment process, you might want to discover the templates and pass them to hulk programmatically. This gist shows an example Flask-Script manager command that does this.