emacs-d copied to clipboard
My Emacs configuration
- My emacs.d configuration
As my editor of choice I run Emacs. One of the benefits of Emacs is that it'll install basically anywhere.
This configuration is designed to run in shells as well as on desktops. There are some platform specific optimisations as well.
** Installing
Just check it out straight to the right directory, and use Make to install it:
: cd ~/Projects/emacs-d && make
** Platform specific configuration
*** OS X desktop (Emacs.app)
- Left =option= key is remapped to =M-=
- =M-3= prints a literal =#= (UK Mac keyboards being weird)
- We use the [[https://github.com/sellout/emacs-color-theme-solarized][Solarized Dark]] theme
- Font is [[http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html][Inconsolata]]
*** OS X CLI in iTerm2
- When the [[https://github.com/altercation/solarized/blob/master/iterm2-colors-solarized/Solarized%20Dark.itermcolors][Solarized Dark iTerm2 theme]] is installed, we use the =solarized-dark= color theme
- Cut/paste are made to write/read from the clipboard (via =pbcopy= and =pbpaste=)
- Mouse highlighting works via xTerm capabilities
**** Required iTerm 2 Configuration
- Re-map left =option= key to =+Esc=
- Untick =Smart cursor color=
** Included libraries
The following libraries are included in non-attributable ways, i.e not via package install or via a Git submodule:
- [[https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit][Emacs Starter Kit]] was a very big early influence, and continues to be helpful.
** License and copyright
Copyright 2010-2012 Bradley Wright.
Files are licensed under the same license as Emacs (GPL) unless otherwise specified. See the =COPYING= file for more information.
Any external/third party works included in this work are licensed under their own licenses - refer to the submodules or packages for more information.