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Visualize your Go data structures using graphviz

Results 18 memviz issues
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_Dependabot Preview will be shut down on August 3rd, 2021. In order to keep getting Dependabot updates, please merge this PR and migrate to GitHub-native Dependabot before then._ Dependabot has...


Bumps []( from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0. Release notes Sourced from's releases. Minor improvements and bug fixes Minor feature improvements and bug fixes Commits acba37e Only use repeatability if no...


Bumps []( from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0. Commits a1e734c Add an option to disable usage of stringer methods. (#66) c5cccbb Fix workflow 1eefcad Fix golangci-lint action 0ea60f9 Create go.yml 132dad5 Bump...


Hi @bradleyjkemp, this would be my initial take on the config... check it out and let me know

There are a number of rendering options that might be useful to be exposed to the user. Probably best way to do this is similar to go-spew: have a Config...

help wanted

TestBasicTypes should include a field that tests all possible inlined and non-inlined renderers e.g. should have both an `int` field and an `*int` field (and the same for string/uint/etc.) This...

help wanted
good first issue

### Expected Behaviour Be able to get nice, simple visualisations as in ### Actual Behaviour Structures are visualised in full detail, regardless of level of detail needed in the...


I combined memviz with to display structure of runtime.g, and there are many fields in this struct. ### Expected Behaviour What were you wanting/expecting to happen? The layout of...


Currently this generates graphviz output directly using string concatenation and formatting. It would be much better to switch to something like

### Expected Behavior Be able to limit the depth to which `memviz` maps a structure ### Actual Behavior `memviz` follows pointers arbitrarily far, even if the information I want is...
