OrderedSet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OrderedSet copied to clipboard

Native Swift Ordered Set


OrderedSet is a native Swift ordered set. It has the behavior and features of Array and Set in one abstract type.

var names: OrderedSet<String> = ["Brad", "Jake", "Susan"]
names += ["Janice", "Brad"] // ["Jake", "Susan", "Janice", "Brad"]
names.subtractInPlace(["Jake", "Janice"]) // ["Susan", "Brad"]
names.insert("Robert", atIndex: 1) // ["Susan", "Robert", "Brad"]
names.contains("Susan") // true
names.isSupersetOf(["Susan", "Jake"]) // false


Swift Package Manager

You can build OrderedSet using the Swift Package Manager. Just include OrderedSet as a package in your dependencies:

.Package(url: "https://github.com/bradhilton/OrderedSet.git", majorVersion: 1)

Be sure to import the module at the top of your .swift files:

import OrderedSet


OrderedSet is available through CocoaPods. To install, simply include the following lines in your podfile:

pod 'SwiftOrderedSet'

Be sure to import the module at the top of your .swift files:

import SwiftOrderedSet


OrderedSet is available through Carthage. Just add the following to your cartfile:

github "bradhilton/OrderedSet"

Be sure to import the module at the top of your .swift files:

import OrderedSet


Brad Hilton, [email protected]


OrderedSet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.