This looks like its resolved right? Can this issue be closed?
A solution for that right now would be implementing it as the description for your template. Currently, it's only logged whenever you `ignite describe` a template, but maybe it should...
I agree. Deviating from offline support is deviating from the vision of this project.
Personally, I'm against adding content to the files at all. Unless we can find a way to meet everyone's needs with code structure, content, etc, I'm very opposed to this.
That being said, I thought about it some more and if we added a flag `--dry` or something that just scaffolded out structure, I think that'd be fine.
#361 fixes this :wink:
@whastings Update to the latest version of Venus. My PR #361 fixed this issue and was merge in last week. :smile:
@whastings Just out of curiosity, how would you expect to interact with Phantom from a Venus test? That is, can you give a syntax example of what you'd expect to...