@paescuj mind having a last look with the feedback resolved?
Similar behavior in production mode, with pinning 4 or more tabs Edit: I found a "fix" not a perfect one but am curious what you think 🤔 By not refreshing...
> The documentation is missing how to login with a directus_session_token. If you have a session token then you have already logged in. Logging in is what returns you the...
> Well the problem is with native SSO login the following: > > you are in the app, you open the browser for the SSO login and get authenticated in...
So i am a little confused now > This results in not being able from within the app to access the cookie. How were you doing this before? because before...
> Before I used the Json mode. And I let the user redirect to a custom Directus endpoint. This endpoint took the „refresh_token“ and added it to a redirect to...
> Could you help me understand why this would be necessary? One being functional, this is an "unintended feature" refreshing as session token as `json` breaks the session potentially leading...
> This would probably mean to add a new field (type or similar) to the directus_sessions collection I was considering something in that direction too 🤔 as i dont see...
Interesting idea 🤔 that does indeed feel risky as the tokens are auto-generated and could theoretically generate one with that exact prefix (or any other prefix that consists of characters...
After some discussion it looks like this frontend solution will take priority over the authentication change done here.