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a Consul client for Clojure
consul-clojure, a Consul client for Clojure
Consul is an awesome service discovery and configuration provider.
This is a minor update
[consul-clojure "0.7.1"]
- [wkoelewijn] Fixes issue with TTL check
This is a minor update
[consul-clojure "0.7.1"]
- [pimeys] Fixed issue where bytes were serialized using the platform encoding instead of UTF-8
Consul 0.7 Features
- Consul 0.7 KV transactions courtesy of @pimeys
This is a major update that may be BREAKING.
[consul-clojure "0.6.0"]
- Pulled in the following changes from a fork
- BREAK: Dropped use of metadata for tracking various values
- BREAK: No more keyword args in favor of maps
- BREAK: Dropped the dependency on com.stuartsierra.component and components in favor of fns
- FIX: NPE on first :failures increment
- Add leader watch
Initial release
[consul-clojure "0.1.0"] ;; initial
Provide a useful library for building Consul aware Clojure applications.
Getting Started
First, you'll need to setup a local consul agent. See setup instructions. It's much easier to see what's happening by using the consul-web-ui.
This is the LaunchAgent configuration I use for OSX after installing consul
and consul-web-ui
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""\>
<plist version="1.0">
Given much of the time one is interacting with a local consul agent, the keyword :local
can be used to assume the defaults. In those other cases
where someone has gotten "creative" in the deployment of consul or you need to connect to a remote server, you can use a clj-http-lite
compatible request maps.
{:server-name "" :server-port 8500}
Key/Value store
When using the Key/Value store endpoints directly, one has to contend with a variety of different response formats depending upon the parameters passed. Rather than continue with this approach, different functions are used instead.
Getting a key:
(require '[consul.core :as consul])
(consul/kv-get :local "my-key")
=> ["my-key" nil]
But what about the consul index information?
(meta (consul/kv-get :local "my-key"))
=> {:x-consul-lastcontact "0", :known-leader true, :modify-index 352}
Setting a value:
(consul/kv-put :local "my-key" "a")
=> true
Want a list of keys?
(consul/kv-keys :local "my")
=> #{"my-key"}
Don't want a key?
(consul/kv-del :local "my-key")
=> true
Let's remove more than one:
(consul/kv-put :local "key-1" "a")
=> true
(consul/kv-put :local "key-2" nil)
=> true
(consul/kv-keys :local "key")
=> #{"key-1" "key-2"}
(consul/kv-del :local "key" :recurse? true)
=> true
(consul/kv-keys :local "key")
=> #{}
Atomic transactions (available in Consul 0.7)
The txn library allows executing multiple operations in an atomic transaction. All operations in the txn Consul 0.7 txn documentation are supported
The result of a transaction is always either a list of results, or an exception if the transaction was not successful.
(require '[consul.txn :as txn])
(txn/put :local (fn [tx] (txn/kv-set tx "key" "val")
(txn/kv-get tx "key")))
=> ({:create-index 3296,
:flags 0,
:key "key",
:lock-index 0,
:modify-index 3296,
:value nil}
{:create-index 3296,
:flags 0,
:key "key",
:lock-index 0,
:modify-index 3296,
:value "val"})
If any of the operations fail, the whole transaction fails. Errors are reported in the exception :errors
Currently supported operations: kv-set
, kv-get
, kv-set-cas
, kv-lock
, kv-unlock
, kv-get-tree
, kv-check-index
, kv-delete
, kv-delete-tree
, kv-delete-cas
The agent consul messages generally are where most applications will interact with Consul.
Return the checks a local agent is managing:
(agent-checks :local)
=> {"service:redis-04"
{:Name "Service redis-shard-1' check",
:ServiceName "redis-shard-1",
:Status "warning",
:CheckID "service:redis-04",
"Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused\n",
:Notes "",
:Node "",
:ServiceID "redis-04"}}
List services registered with the agent.
(agent-services :local)
=> {"consul"
{:ID "consul", :Service "consul", :Tags [], :Address "", :Port 8300}}
List members the agent sees.
(agent-members :local)
=> ({:DelegateMax 4,
:Name "",
:Addr "",
:ProtocolMin 1,
:Status 1,
:ProtocolMax 2,
:DelegateCur 4,
:DelegateMin 2,
:ProtocolCur 2,
{:bootstrap "1",
:build "0.5.2:9a9cc934",
:dc "dc1",
:port "8300",
:role "consul",
:vsn "2",
:vsn_max "2",
:vsn_min "1"},
:Port 8301})
Return the local agent configuration.
(agent-self :local)
=> ...
Put a node into maintenance mode.
(agent-maintenance :local true)
=> true
Take it out of maintenance mode.
(agent-maintenance :local false)
=> true
Join a node into a cluster using the RPC address.
(agent-join :local "")
=> true
Force leave a node.
(agent-force-leave :local "")
=> true
Check Management
Service Management
Health Checks
Access Control Lists
User Events
Copyright © 2015 Benjamin Poweski
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.