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Collection of information/scripts pertaining to ROS 2 development
Collection of information/scripts pertaining to ROS 2 development
Below are various tutorials provided by this repository:
- Using rviz in ROS 2
- Migrating a catkin package to ament
- Accessing ROS parameters
- Writing a ROS 2 launch file
- Guide to ROS 2 unit testing
- How to create a mixed C++ and python ament package
Below are various scripts provided by this repository:
- Checkout and compile rviz
- Install base packages
- Install ROS 2
- Port a single catkin package to ament
- Create an ament overlay package from extra repositories
Base package dependencies
Below is a list of base packages that are necessary:
New ROS 2 packages
Below is a list of ROS 2 packages that were created to faciliate the porting of other packages (see next section):
Packages ported to ROS 2
Below is a list of packages that have been, or are actively being, ported to ROS 2:
- cmake_modules
- rospack
- rospkg
- pluginlib
- python_qt_binding
- qt_gui_core
- rqt
- rqt_graph
- rqt_dep
- diagnostics
- laser_proc
- phidgets_drivers
- urg_c
- urg_node
- angles
- vision_opencv
- interactive_markers
- laser_geometry
- navigation_msgs
- resource_retriever
- xacro
- teleop_twist_keyboard (ported by OSRF)
- openslam_gmapping
- slam_gmapping
- rviz
- message_filters
- xmlrpcpp
- robot_state_publisher