Sorry for the delay in responding back. The OSUpdateNotifier.sh will only run once a day if you have set an End Date and it is past the End Date when...
Can you share a screenshot for the prompt? Also, can you confirm whether you have a configuration profile that might be restricting software updates to administrators only?
For issue 1: To avoid any problems with updates, the script requires an active power connection. I do not assume that just because a device may have 60% of battery...
@Aceraney Check out the latest version of the script. I fixed it recently. Or check out this new script that I've written to replace AppleSoftwareUpdate.sh: [https://babodee.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/handling-major-upgrades-and-minor-updates-for-macos-with-jamf/](https://babodee.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/handling-major-upgrades-and-minor-updates-for-macos-with-jamf/)
I'm not sure if it'll solve it or not, but I did update the script recently. What happens if you run the script with `#!/bin/bash -x` (modify the first line...
Sorry folks. I think this is unknown behavior with the `softwareupdate` cli tool in Big Sur. I've noticed this when a user is not logged in but also when a...
@jandersonpos On Apple silicon Macs, the workflow is described here: https://babodee.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/handling-major-upgrades-and-minor-updates-for-macos-with-jamf The relevant portion to your question: > if we’re dealing with major OS upgrades and minor OS updates on...
@Samstar777 See my earlier response. I'm aware. Unfortunately, I cannot find a pattern as to why this is happening.
@jandersonpos That's correct. There is no command line method at the moment with Jamf that would allow us to perform software updates without user interaction which means there's no way...
I've got a bit more information to share from testing and some potential updates to this issue. It appears that in Big Sur and possibly Catalina, when you try to...