
Results 32 comments of bp2008

@HenryLoenwind I'm glad it is helpful. .NET's Ping class does not apparently support choosing the source interface. There is a [windows-native API](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22575485/how-to-ping-using-a-specific-network-interface-or-a-specific-source-ip-address) that should work, but implementing that along with...

I see what you mean. Thanks for reporting. There is a combination of multiple things coming together to cause this issue. UI3 sizes and scales the video player according to...

No idea why iOS struggles with it. That is interesting that rtsp-simple-server makes your wifi cameras stable. I use it for my wifi doorbell cam because I have two Blue...

You probably know this already but I suggest making sure your 2.4 GHz network is set to use 20 MHz channel width, not 40 MHz. Yes it can be slower...

Hi @ahaverty. You'll need to be more specific about what happens, because that URL goes to the timeline, not to a clip or alert as would be appropriate for this...

I have identified and fixed the bug responsible for the `&timeline=####` argument sometimes failing to function properly. The fix is in release [UI3-234](https://github.com/bp2008/ui3/releases/tag/234). This issue (#50) remains open however because...

I do agree that could be useful since not everyone wants to just enter names like that into their hosts file and use them that way.

Thanks for the suggestion. That is too far outside the scope of what I'm interested in doing, though.

Dahua cameras automatically reduce frame rate when you use a long exposure. No need to change the encoder setting.