wurl copied to clipboard
A tool to test working urls.
this tool will check Concurrently the HTTP/S status code for each link agains a status code list.
Useful when you got a lot of links from waybackmachine and want to clean up the list a bit.
Wurl has multiple options to make your life easier.
▶ wurl -h
Usage of wurl:
-c, --concurrency int Concurrency level (default 50)
-m, --finger-print string Regex for a specific string on response
-f, --follow-redirect Follow redirects (Default: false)
-H, --header stringArray Add custom Headers to the request
-o, --output string Output file to save the results to
-p, --proxy string Add a HTTP proxy
-q, --query string replace the query for each url
-r, --random-agent Set a random User Agent
-s, --status-code string List valid status codes (default 200)
-t, --test Test http && https for a single url
-u, --url string The url to check
-v, --verbose Display extra info about what is going on
pflag: help requested
exit status 2
▶ go get -u github.com/bp0lr/wurl
usage examples
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50
-> get each link and return just working ones. (status code 200).
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -f
-> get each link following redirection and return working ones. (status code 200 / 302).
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -H "Cookie: mycookie" -s "200, 500, 302"
-> get each link using my cookie and return status codes [200, 500, 302]
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -H "Cookie: mycookie" -s "200, 500, 302" -p ""
-> get each link using my cookie and a proxy server (burp for example) and return status codes [200, 500, 302]
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -H "Cookie: mycookie" -s "200, 500, 302" -p "" -f "paypal"
-> get each link using my cookie and a proxy server (burp for example).
return status codes [200, 500, 302] and results containing the word "paypal" in his body.
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -H "Cookie: mycookie" -s "200, 500, 302" -p "" -f "paypal" --random-agent
-> get each link using my cookie, a random-agent for each query and a proxy server (burp for example).
return status codes [200, 500, 302] and results containing the word "paypal" in his body.
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -s "200" --random-agent -test
-> send a HTTP and HTTPS query for each link using a random-agent and return just working ones.
return status codes [200].
search examples
▶ cat urls.txt | wurl -c 50 -s "200" --random-agent -test -q "index.php"
-> send a HTTP and HTTPS query for each link using a random-agent and replacing the query for "index.php" and return just working ones.
return status codes [200].
▶ wurl -u "https://www.something.com?param=1¶m=2¶m=3" -c 50 -s "200" --random-agent -test -q "index.php"
-> send a HTTP and HTTPS query for each link using a random-agent and replacing the query for "index.php" and return just working ones.
return status codes [200].