
Results 79 comments of bozdoz

What kind of filters are you thinking? Maybe something like this `[leaflet-geojson filter="a:123,b:456"]`? Then the filter function can be: ```js var filteredProps = filterString.split(',').reduce(function(a, b) { var parts = b.split(':');...

So, like `(a===123 || a===789) && b===456`?

You're getting br tags after your script tags? Also, why check if the user is adding dashicons (not entirely opposed to this, but seems so specific)?

Great to know. Thanks!

@lirantal Yes I can split this into separate issues and start on the `resolved` fields issue. Stay tuned! 😄

Quick follow-up: I found out that resolved fields appear to go missing if the packages are installed, then the lockfile deleted, and the lockfile is regenerated with `npm i`. My...

Just to follow up, I cannot seem to reproduce the 'resolved' fields missing anymore, even on the npm version I mentioned before. I've seen this happen in 3 different (work)...

I think this, too, would cause a new stacking context, like opacity, transform, z-index, etc. We could add this to the list of attributes to check.

> I really like this idea but I believe we should still support the `introjs(...).oncomplete(fn => ...)` notion as well (in addition to `introjs(...).of('complete', fn => ...)`. I don't really...

Just noticing that exitIntro is always called after the oncomplete: ```js if ( this._introItems.length - 1 === this._currentStep && typeof this._introCompleteCallback === "function" ) {; }, this._targetElement); ```...