phoenix_markdown copied to clipboard
Prevent "current application does not depend on" compile warnings
Uses the :extra_applications key in mix.exs Exposes dependencies correctly in mix.exs to prevent these warnings:
warning: Earmark.as_html!/2 defined in application :earmark is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :earmark. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :earmark is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :earmark is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :earmark, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [Earmark]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
lib/phoenix_markdown/engine.ex:35: PhoenixMarkdown.Engine.compile/2
warning: HtmlEntities.decode/1 defined in application :html_entities is used by the current application but the current application does not depend on :html_entities. To fix this, you must do one of:
1. If :html_entities is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs
2. If :html_entities is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps" in your mix.exs
3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :html_entities, you may optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: [HtmlEntities]]] to your "def project" in mix.exs
lib/phoenix_markdown/engine.ex:58: PhoenixMarkdown.Engine.do_restore_smart_tags/2
Hello 👋🏼, Is there a plan to merge that PR?
Little up.. I hope OP @pzingg and author @boydm you are all good...
I think we even got compilation failures at times (but not always), most likely linked to out upgrade to Elixir 1.15.
It would be nice to merge this PR for continued use of the library on Elixir 1.15+!
/cc @boydm @WalkerMills - unsure if this project is still maintained, and/or if you need extra people?