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Updated version of DCN
This is an introduction of the code developed for the Deep Clustering Network (DCN). Please direct your emails to
Bo Yang, [email protected]
if you have troubles running the code, or find any bugs.
Here is the paper: arxiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.04794v1.pdf Bo Yang, Xiao Fu, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos and Mingyi Hong "Towards K-means-friendly Spaces: Simultaneous Deep Learning and Clustering"
============================================== Main files
run_raw_mnist.py : Script to reproduce our results on raw-MNIST dataset multi_layer_km.py : Main file for defining the network, as well as various utility functions.
You can start running the code by e.g. (on Ubuntu)
$: ./run_raw_mnist.sh
-- More documentations can be found inside each of the above files.
============================================== Data preparation
The data file should be named like 'something.pkl.gz', i.e., it should be pickled and compressed by gzip, using python code as follow:
""" with gzip.open('something.pkl.gz', 'wb') as f: cPickle.dump([train_x, train_y], f, protocol = 0) """ where train_x and train_y are numpy ndarray with shape train_x: (n_samples, n_features) train_y: (n_samples, )
Main difference compared to previous release
- Included the dependent files
- Included sample data files
- Added theano environment flag in the .sh file
- Cleaned up the repo to exclude unnecessary files
============================================== Dependencies