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Installation doesn't work.
- Followed instructions in README.
- Red light comes on for a while, then reboots.
- Go into Settings->Network->Servers, change hostname to "boxeebox; sh /data/hack/", re-enable windows sharing.
Nothing is changed. Reboot again, still nothing (aside from having to go through the network wizard to reconnect Boxee to the internet).
Boxee firmware is
Any suggestions?
I suspected there might be a network issue, so I also tried adding the /hack directory to the USB stick. No luck. I've also tried reformatting the USB to FAT32 using mtools and gparted, but nothing changes. The only new "feature" is that I have to manually enable the network after each reboot. :-P
did you name the usb-stick BOXEE
Format a USB stick or SD card and name it 'BOXEE' (be sure to use only capitals) Copy the contents of the 'install' folder that you downloaded earlier to the USB stick or SD card Plug the USB stick or SD card into your Boxee Box Go into 'Settings'->'Network'->'Servers' Enable 'Enable Windows file sharing' Add ';sh[space]/media/BOXEE/' to your 'Host Name'. After you're done it should look like 'boxeebox;sh /media/BOXEE/'
name the stick BOXEE, and instert a space between sh and path. you should only copy the content of install to the stick!
I am having the same exact issues installing as @cwells. I HAVE reformatted the USB to Fat32 There is NOTHING else on the drive except the 4 files I correctly typed in the string into the boxee servers page My boxee does go red it reboots and no changes to the system the server hostname has been changed to: "sh /data/hack/"
Please advise on how to correct this issue?
@scaliebe Yes, did all that (otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the red light on the Box).
I also notice that Boxee seems to crash a lot more frequently now, even though I don't have the hack enabled. Also every time it reboots I have to run the network wizard. Will running the uninstall script return it to its previous state?
I have the exact same problem as cwells and igolfchip. Help would be appreciated!
Just try it again, it happened to me once that it didnt install, might be coz of internet connection or something as it check the git for newest version on install.. or try and powercycle the boxee.
I'm having the same problem. I've followed the instructions to the letter. I've tried installing 3 times. I get the same results as igolfchip. Anyone have any insight into this?
Well apparently 4th time was a charm. Worked!
As a bonus, today my Boxee has started losing all its settings. I have to login with username/password and I have to re-setup all my sources (twice today).
Not trying to complain, but my Boxee has gone from being a piece of crap to being an unusable piece of crap. I didn't think Boxee could get worse, but I was clearly being pessimistic.
And now I'm screwed. I tried setting up my user account and my sources, and then doing a shutdown from the home screen, hoping that would get them saved before the next crash. Unfortunately, because the network doesn't come up (see my previous comments), I can't login. Because I can't login, I can't bring the network up. Catch-22.
I expect this thing is destined for Goodwill or the garbage.
I'd strongly recommend people think twice or three times before installing this hack.
It's also clear that the project admins here don't read the bug reports. Keep that in mind before you consider installing.
Restore factory settings:
After that, the installation works. Perhaps this should be the recommended approach?
@cwells well that should be if all else fail option, not recommended. most ppl wanna keep their settings
@jampeef It should at least be mentioned in the installation guide. Granted it was late at night and I was on my nth attempt, so my patience was undoubtedly already strained, but the fact that Boxee might have a factory reset didn't even occur to me until I was about ready to throw the damn thing into the garbage ;-)
I actually suspect that the Boxee settings were corrupt before I began the installation. I've had moderate stability issues with it for a few months and it seems much better now. Doing a factory reset once a year might be a good idea.
Just factory restored boxee and tryi to install boxee hacks again. Got the same problem as @cwells but this link doens't work anymore :( Anybody there can tell me what it link to?
I have same problem lil help
I am having the same exact issues installing as @cwells. I HAVE reformatted the USB to Fat32 There is NOTHING else on the drive except the 4 files I correctly typed in the string into the boxee servers page My boxee does go red it reboots and no changes to the system the server hostname has been changed to: "sh /data/hack/" I've read ome were I have to use network go into servers to activate the install but can't seee anything related to that any advice please thanks
try the following. boxeebox; sh /media/BOXEE/
Look here:
On Saturday 2/20/2016, [powval] said:
I am having the same exact issues installing as I HAVE reformatted the USB to Fat32 There is NOTHING else on the drive except the 4 files I correctly typed in the string into the boxee servers page My boxee does go red it reboots and no changes to the system the server hostname has been changed to: "sh /data/hack/" I've read ome were I have to use network go into servers to activate the install but can't seee anything related to that any advice please thanks
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I did get it work finally I think it worked (crazy) because I discarded the hand remote and give the orders to the onscreen order thanks again
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 12:18 AM, Robbie711 [email protected] wrote:
try the following. boxeebox; sh /media/BOXEE/
Look here:
On Saturday 2/20/2016, [powval] said:
I am having the same exact issues installing as I HAVE reformatted the USB to Fat32 There is NOTHING else on the drive except the 4 files I correctly typed in the string into the boxee servers page My boxee does go red it reboots and no changes to the system the server hostname has been changed to: "sh /data/hack/" I've read ome were I have to use network go into servers to activate the install but can't seee anything related to that any advice please thanks
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it on GitHub.
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For anyone stumbling across this issue while trying to fix - the suggestion at helped me. Specifically, delete your existing download folder via changing the hostname to boxeebox; rm -fr /download/*
. After that, re-attempt to install the hack via boxeebox:sh /media/BOXEE/
. Yay!
MMMMcMahon you are a genius!!!! I tried EVERYTHING to make this work.
Is there anyone who still has the files for Boxee Hacks version 1.5.3 . I tried everything, I simply can't find them.