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Theming system - Safe skinning implementation
This is a safe skinning/theme system built into the boxee+ settings menu.
You can watch a demo here:
I have created a basic guide to creating and packaging a theme here.
At present you cannot replace or change any *.xml file. When creating a theme you can only replace images contained within the original boxee theme.
This is done to ensure that the theme will be compatible with future versions of boxee+
I will work on a way to safely replace additional images added by boxee+.
I tryed your theming yesterday, fun to play with!
Looks really nice! I made a custom loading spinner just when B+ got started but could never implement it without losing stability. Maybe this could be implemented with your system. Haven't had a chance to look at the guide yet. (You can check it out at
Hessius, you should be able to get your new spinner as this replaces that template file I told you about when you were trying to get it working. This is a really sweet update as now people can have custom skins or at least graphics.
Toliver, you can change the positioning of things on the home screen right? Only graphic changes?
At this stage only the graphics can be changed.
However if this is pulled into the main branch then I think I can find a way of allowing things to be moved about while still retaining all the existing functionality of boxee+ and the future without having to have themes for specific versions
I'm currently working with a GUI guy who is going to release a theme and he has successfully changed the loader using this all runs smooth. He's on vacation so the theme won't be done until he is back
Hessius, your links down, if you can re-up I can take a look
Took a look, it's very easy to implement the loader. Your system is basically what I failed to do - i.e. compile the texturepackager correctly. Here's a re-up:
Edit: That should be PART of your system is what I failed to do. The other part, I could never even have tried my hand at ;)
nice loading ! It works