Julian Harris

Results 38 issues of Julian Harris

Hi there -- deforum is truly amazing. I want to use it in a tool I'm building. I'm trying to use deforum-stable-difussion on replicate.com but it times out after 30...

Hi using the docs I ran this command successfully `backgroundremover -i "/path/to/video.mp4" -tv -o "output.mov"` I had an input file created from an iPhone, 15MB, 1440x1440, Linear PCM, Timed Metadata,...


Hi one of the very useful things about GPT4 is its ability to call external APIs like web search. Apologies if there's already an issue related to this.

Situation: I am having ollama get stuck in an infinite loop on ubuntu 22.04 with certain requests. It appears to die, with broken pipes not breaking out and I have...


## What is the issue about? - [x] Bug - [ ] Feature request - [ ] Usage question - [ ] Documentation - [ ] Contributing / Development ##...

Problem: some prompts trigger an infinite loop where ollama a) doesn't return and b) locks up the API so no other calls can be made. ## Environment Ollama version: 0.1.26...

When doing end to end testing (such as with detox), the more reliable way to identify when a toast has popped up is by looking for the id. In React...


It's a pretty neat idea but my attempts so far have ended up with shells rather than something functioning. I wonder what prompt will ensure that it finishes the job?...

Hi -- this is a pretty amazing project. I understand if you can't share all of your data set but I wondered if you could provide a small sample with...

Has anyone else had any luck installing `insanely-fast-whisper` on Mac Silicon Sonoma? 1. I've tried installing rust as that seemed to help some people 2. I tried manually installing `optimum`...