indicator-ip copied to clipboard
applet don't show good ip
Hi, I use a vpn and applet shows good ip when start and stop vpn. But when i get tor in whole system, applet allays shows vpn address. when i use indicator-ip -i public in terminal it shows another applet that shows the good tor address. i tried correct command into startup application and also try to make a scrip to start indicator-ip from terminal with "indicator-ip -i public" in command. But it allways shows vpn address even if i'm connected to tor in whole system command to show public address shows different address than vpn. Tried to remove and install again and again indicator-ip and reboot many times; Anybody has a solution ?
i use ubuntu-mate 18.04
Simple script like
#!/bin/bash indicator-ip -i public
Shows only vpn address not tor address
But the same command indicator-ip -i public
shows another applet in ubuntu-mate menu bar and shows real tor address.
Hm, sounds to me as if the change to the tor network is not being recognized. Have you tried the obvious, that is clicked "refresh" in the applet's context menu?
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with tor at all, which will make it hard (if not impossible) to troubleshoot this for me...
sure i clicked refresh, i show you a capture with in left vpn ip and right tor ip when i do indicator-ip -i public
only in terminal, the left would not refresh but the tor one appear when indicator-ip -i public
in terminal and will refresh when tor changes ip
I'm working on scripts on my side to let just appear the tor one. You're application works with tor with terminal, could be possible to make it works at first install :)
Hm, sounds to me as if the change to the tor network is not being recognized. Have you tried the obvious, that is clicked "refresh" in the applet's context menu?
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with tor at all, which will make it hard (if not impossible) to troubleshoot this for me...
indicator -i public
in terminal already detect tor ip ... so i'm not able to code "indicator-ip"
but i think that is possible to run it in applet
congrats for the work done and may the force be with you for a 2.2.1 or perhaps a 2.3 ???
Really like your app and good job :)