xBOUT copied to clipboard
Should `BoutDataset.save()` record the version of `xBOUT` used to produce the files?
Might be useful for provenance tracking and reproducibility to know what version of xBOUT
was used to produce some file. Similar to https://github.com/boutproject/boutdata/pull/79.
Oh, I perhaps should've thought about this on that other PR, it would be good to have this set of metadata as attributes:
- title
- software_name
- software_version
- netcdf_version
- date_created
- id
I've cobbled this set together from various conventions, including netCDF and the Climate Forcasting conventions, and I've been trying to get it into various output files.
I think we might already have some of these?
Quick bikeshedding question: Should software_version
be a semantic or at least sequential version number, or a git checksum, or a combination?
Yes :)
Personally, I'm a big fan of setuptools_scm's scheme, which is SemVer compatible. It's basically:
- no distance and clean:
- distance and clean:
+{scm letter}{revision hash}
So a release would be 1.2.3
say, and the first commit after that would get version 1.2.3.dev1+gdeadbeef
:+1: I was gonna say what @ZedThree said.
Offtopic: Isn't the next one 1.2.4.dev1+gdeadbeef
Good catch, yes. I think there's some setting to make it bump the minor version instead too.