Try to use static windows build (there is older QT). Someone on the forum reported to have the probs you have and this fixed his issues.
Yeah... I know (for me it woks too). Only a few people complained about no audio after we released 1.9. This is Mystery for me as well.
Implementing only external audio playback is easy. 2 audio track editing is hard. The ability to add 2nd audio track and mix them together this is challenging but very nice...
@SoyLeor The discussion for 1st request of yours is [here]( Playing smoothly does not depend on displayed image resolution it depends on 'raw_correction->debayer->image_processing' pipeline which is very CPU hungry. Edit:...
> I would not implement 2 track audio, I think this is a task for tools like FCPX / Premiere/... I would implement a kind of switch: MLV audio OR...
Merry Christmas guys :)
This definitely can be done but I'm too lazy to get my neck to this hoop :)
Would be cool. Then you have to increment the frame by factor you need. I guess it's gonna be easily doable. Or am I wrong? This way even playback preview...
I think this variable should affect playback too. For previewing whats the result gonna be.
@DeafEyeJedi Add I dig that you are still around 😃 HAYD man?