i'm no expert, and i'm not sure how swayidle acts exactly... but the convention is that when a program terminates with a code of zero, it terminates correctly (no crash,...
I don't think the service file should override the intended way for swayidle to work. Eihter swayidle should never terminate and Restart=always, or there is some case where it should...
if a user (not systemd) sends SIGTERM, then sway idle will terminate properly... and systemd will restart it right away. I am not sure that's the right behaviour. that's why...
Ok for a separate PR. I think we disagree on what should be the "desired behaviour" So at this point, we need a dev to intervene...
I did not touch my previous configuration, and I followed which is slightly different It doesn't mention the variable `lxc_host` but instead uses `ansible_ssh_extra_args` I tried changing that, but... fixed upstream, and `lxc_container` has also been added as an alias for `lxc_host`
not a systemd tool, but there is that might be something like what you want...
maybe not give it to logind, but if logind ends up having it (maybe because someone added a drop-in) handle it properly...
I would appreciate suche a directive... Yes it just saves a line, but it's also easier to do for people that don't know all the intricates of how /run works...
A problem I see with that is that aliases are not saved in the journal, so there would be now way to use that when reading the journal on another...