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`kmod-5.10-nvidia` rpm spec can't be parsed without SDK

Open stockholmux opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Platform I'm building on: n/a (macos, but I'm not really building, but it's build adjacent)

What I expected to happen: I should be able to use rpmspec to parse any .spec file in /packages on any platform.

What actually happened: When trying to parse the kmod-5.10-nvidia with rpmspec I get the following error:

sh: bottlerocket-license-tool: command not found
sh: bottlerocket-license-tool: command not found
error: line 39: Empty tag: License:
error: query of specfile /bottlerocket/packages/kmod-5.10-nvidia/kmod-5.10-nvidia.spec failed, can't parse

While the bottlerocket-license-tool is in the SDK, this dependency isn't documented and it seems rational that someone wouldn't have the SDK just to try to inspect the rpm spec

How to reproduce the problem:

rpmspec -q --qf "%{Version}:" /bottlerocket/packages/kmod-5.10-nvidia/kmod-5.10-nvidia.spec  --define="_cross_os _" --nodebuginfo

Note: Could you solve this by adding an or (||) operator? Something like ... || echo "could not determine license." at the end of line 4? In my testing adding the or operator allowed the spec to parse.

stockholmux avatar Jul 22 '22 16:07 stockholmux