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Plugin fails with decorated views ...
If you implement a decorator like:
def secret(item, db):
The valid_user()
plugin will throw an error like
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/oznt/Software/bottlesession/", line 998, in _handle
out =**args)
File "/home/oznt/Software/bottlesession/", line 1999, in wrapper
rv = callback(*a, **ka)
File "/home/oznt/Software/bottlesession/", line 48, in check_auth
return handler(*a, **ka)
TypeError: secret() missing 1 required positional argument: 'db'
Which hides the fact that the check for the keyword db
is failing, although, the callable does have
the keyword db
The reason the check fails, is because _callback is no longer the original function. this is solved in python3.3 with
inspect.signature(callable, *, follow_wrapped=True)
In earlier versions of python you would have to use functools.wraps
your original function and check if the callback has the attribute __wrapped__
. This will only work for 1 level, if you do :
def secret(item,db):
you would have to check for callback.__wrapped__.__wrapped__
, or for each level of decoration add one __wrapped__
The solution is to replace the check from:
argspec = inspect.getargspec(_callback)
params = inspect.signature(_callback).parameters
if keyword not in params:
return callback
You can find a demo application and a fixed version of the plugin in the following repository: