SIM7000-LTE-Shield icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SIM7000-LTE-Shield copied to clipboard

Do you have Amazon AWS Tutorial..?

Open kittinook opened this issue 6 years ago • 134 comments

Hi, I've interested this board. Do you have the example for communication between the board and AWS IoT cloud?

kittinook avatar Dec 13 '18 15:12 kittinook

Not currently, no. However, there are example AT command logs I have from SIMCom for Microsoft Azure which theoretically should work for other platforms like AWS IoT and anything that requires certificates. Basically you store the certificate in the SIM7000's EFS (electronic file system) and use the SSL commands to connect.

botletics avatar Dec 13 '18 15:12 botletics

Thanks for your fast response, you can share example AT command logs for Microsoft Azure. I can't find the example AT command in this web

kittinook avatar Dec 18 '18 13:12 kittinook

I can't share it publicly so you would have to order a Botletics shield before I could share it.

botletics avatar Dec 18 '18 14:12 botletics

Can you share these with me? We have purchased several botletics shields to experiment with, and are trying to get them talking to Azure IoT Hub.

bradleytompkins avatar Jan 09 '19 22:01 bradleytompkins

Please email me, botletics "at" gmail "dot" com.

botletics avatar Jan 12 '19 04:01 botletics

Not currently, no. However, there are example AT command logs I have from SIMCom for Microsoft Azure which theoretically should work for other platforms like AWS IoT and anything that requires certificates. Basically you store the certificate in the SIM7000's EFS (electronic file system) and use the SSL commands to connect.

Hi, there are some example where shows how store and read data from SIM7000's EFS?

slipiduche avatar Mar 29 '19 23:03 slipiduche

This should help but also check the related AT command manual.

botletics avatar Apr 01 '19 01:04 botletics

This should help but also check the related AT command manual.

oh thanks you. i'm realy confused, i don't know from where extract the .cer, i mean a SD? a web server? or the download from pc?. where i could put the .cer to apply these commands.

thanks so much.

slipiduche avatar Apr 01 '19 12:04 slipiduche

That depends on what platform you're using (Azure, AWS, etc.) and that file would be on your computer and sent to the SIM7000 via USB with AT commands.

botletics avatar Apr 07 '19 21:04 botletics

i have a doubt, the certificate must be in what format? i try this -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<LF> MIIDQTCCAimgAwIBAgITBmyfz5m/jAo54vB4ikPmljZbyjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF<LF> ADA5MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEPMA0GA1UEChMGQW1hem9uMRkwFwYDVQQDExBBbWF6<LF> b24gUm9vdCBDQSAxMB4XDTE1MDUyNjAwMDAwMFoXDTM4MDExNzAwMDAwMFowOTEL<LF> MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxDzANBgNVBAoTBkFtYXpvbjEZMBcGA1UEAxMQQW1hem9uIFJv<LF> b3QgQ0EgMTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALJ4gHHKeNXj<LF> ca9HgFB0fW7Y14h29Jlo91ghYPl0hAEvrAIthtOgQ3pOsqTQNroBvo3bSMgHFzZM<LF> 9O6II8c+6zf1tRn4SWiw3te5djgdYZ6k/oI2peVKVuRF4fn9tBb6dNqcmzU5L/qw<LF> IFAGbHrQgLKm+a/sRxmPUDgH3KKHOVj4utWp+UhnMJbulHheb4mjUcAwhmahRWa6<LF> VOujw5H5SNz/0egwLX0tdHA114gk957EWW67c4cX8jJGKLhD+rcdqsq08p8kDi1L<LF> 93FcXmn/6pUCyziKrlA4b9v7LWIbxcceVOF34GfID5yHI9Y/QCB/IIDEgEw+OyQm<LF> jgSubJrIqg0CAwEAAaNCMEAwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMC<LF> AYYwHQYDVR0OBBYEFIQYzIU07LwMlJQuCFmcx7IQTgoIMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA<LF> A4IBAQCY8jdaQZChGsV2USggNiMOruYou6r4lK5IpDB/G/wkjUu0yKGX9rbxenDI<LF> U5PMCCjjmCXPI6T53iHTfIUJrU6adTrCC2qJeHZERxhlbI1Bjjt/msv0tadQ1wUs<LF> N+gDS63pYaACbvXy8MWy7Vu33PqUXHeeE6V/Uq2V8viTO96LXFvKWlJbYK8U90vv<LF> o/ufQJVtMVT8QtPHRh8jrdkPSHCa2XV4cdFyQzR1bldZwgJcJmApzyMZFo6IQ6XU<LF> 5MsI+yMRQ+hDKXJioaldXgjUkK642M4UwtBV8ob2xJNDd2ZhwLnoQdeXeGADbkpy<LF> rqXRfboQnoZsG4q5WTP468SQvvG5<LF> -----END CERTIFICATE-----<LF><CR>

and not connect

at log is that <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CFSgfis=3,"root_ca.pem"<CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> +CFSGFIS: 1189<CR><LF> <CR><LF> OK<CR><LF>

+CNACT: 1,""<CR><LF> <CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMCONF="URL",,8883<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMCONF="CLIENTID",device2<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMCONF="KEEPTIME",60<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMCONF="CLEANSS",0<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMCONF="QOS",0<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG?<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG="sslversion",0,3<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG=0,1,0<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> ERROR<CR><LF> <CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG=convert,2,root_ca.pem<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG=convert,1,my_client.pem,my_key.pem<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG?<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CIPSTATUS<CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> <CR><LF> STATE: IP GPRSACT<CR><LF> --->AT+CIFSR<CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF><CR><LF> <CR><LF> --->AT+CIPSTATUS<CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> <CR><LF> STATE: IP STATUS<CR><LF> --->AT+SMSSL=1,root_ca.pem,my_client.pem<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMSSL?<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> +SMSSL: 1,"root_ca.pem","my_client.pem"<CR><LF> <CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CSSLCFG?<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+CGATT?<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> +CGATT: 1<CR><LF> <CR><LF> OK<CR><LF> --->AT+SMCONN<CR> <CR><LF> <SUB><---<CR><LF> ERROR<CR><LF>

When i try not secure connection with cloudmqtt these commands works but not with AWS

slipiduche avatar Apr 24 '19 19:04 slipiduche

Not currently, no. However, there are example AT command logs I have from SIMCom for Microsoft Azure which theoretically should work for other platforms like AWS IoT and anything that requires certificates. Basically you store the certificate in the SIM7000's EFS (electronic file system) and use the SSL commands to connect.

This issue should be open. I saw the azure example in your AT Command Logs; thank you for that. However, it seems AWS only supports Https. The firmware on some of the shields support SSL only via TCP. Is there info on specific firmware releases and features to confirm? I am using B017000G.

brunokruse avatar May 10 '19 14:05 brunokruse

Sorry, I'm not sure if there's anything on specific firmware versions.

botletics avatar May 13 '19 20:05 botletics

I apologize in advance for my ignorance, as this is my first time programming a SIM7000. I am trying to perform the same task as above but using I created a new function in the Adafruit_FONA.cpp library and called it postDataHTTPS:

boolean Adafruit_FONA::postDataHTTPS(const char *request_type, const char *URL, const char *body, const char *token, uint32_t bodylen) {
  // NOTE: Need to open socket/enable GPRS before using this function
  // char auxStr[64];
    sendCheckReply(F("AT+GMR"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+CNACT=1,\"hologram\""), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+CNACT?"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+CSSLCFG=\"convert\",2,\"hologram.cer\""), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHSSL=1,\"hologram.cer\""), ok_reply, 10000);

	char urlBuff[strlen(URL) + 22];
	sprintf(urlBuff, "AT+SHCONF=\"URL\",\"%s\"", URL);
	if (! sendCheckReply(urlBuff, ok_reply, 10000))
		return false;
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHCONF=\"BODYLEN\",100"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHCONF=\"HEADERLEN\",100"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHCONN"), ok_reply, 10000);
	char dataBuff[strlen(body) + 22];
	sprintf(dataBuff, "AT+SHBOD=\"%s\",100", body);
	//if (! sendCheckReply(dataBuff, ok_reply, 10000))
	//	return false;
	sendCheckReply(dataBuff, ok_reply, 10000);
	//sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHBOD=\"TEST\",100"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHAHEAD=\"Content-Length\",\"120\""), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHSTATE?"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHREQ=3"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHREAD=0,227"), ok_reply, 10000);
	sendCheckReply(F("AT+SHDISC"), ok_reply, 10000);
  return true;

I've been reading the SIM7000 documentation for the HTTPS commands, and I am struggling to get it working as I am sure I have mistakes somewhere. In my Arduino sketch I have the following:

        // Post data to website via 2G or LTE CAT-M/NB-IoT
        // Create char buffers for the floating point numbers for sprintf
        // Make sure these buffers are long enough for your request URL
        char URL[150];
        char body[100];
        char deviceID[] = "######";
        char tagID[] = "[\"_RESTAPI_\", \"WATER_LOW\"]";
        char message[] = "\"Water_Low\"";

        // POST request
        sprintf(URL, "");
        sprintf(body, "{\"deviceid\": %s, \"tags\": %s, \"data\": %s}", deviceID, tagID, message);

        Serial.println(F("Attempting to perform HTTPS POST..."));
        Serial.print("URL: ");
        Serial.print("Body: ");
        if (!fona.postDataHTTPS("POST", URL, body)){
          Serial.println(F("Failed to complete HTTPS POST!"));
        } else {
          Serial.println(F("Successfully performed HTTPS POST!"));

When the sketch runs, I get the following on the serial monitor:

Attempting to perform HTTPS POST...
Body: {"deviceid": ######, "tags": ["_RESTAPI_", "WATER_LOW"], "data": "Water_Low"}
	---> AT+GMR
	<--- Revision:1351B03SIM7000A
	---> AT+CNACT=1,"hologram"
	<--- ERROR
	---> AT+CNACT?
	<--- +CNACT: 1,"###.###.###.###"
	---> AT+CSSLCFG="convert",2,"hologram.cer"
	<--- ERROR
	---> AT+SHSSL=1,"hologram.cer"
	<--- OK
	---> AT+SHCONF="URL",""
	<--- OK
	<--- OK
	<--- OK
	<--- ERROR
	---> AT+SHBOD="{"deviceid": ######, "tags": ["_RESTAPI_", "WATER_LOW"], "data": "Water_Low"}",100
	<--- ERROR
	---> AT+SHAHEAD="Content-Length","120"
	<--- ERROR
	<--- +SHSTATE: 0
	---> AT+SHREQ=3
	<--- ERROR
	---> AT+SHREAD=0,227
	<--- ERROR
	<--- ERROR

I used the LTE_Demo example sketch as a building block, so I have all of the other associated code in place and working well to set up the SIM7000. It is also getting a proper IP address when I issue the AT+CNACT? command.

The first problem is the error on the AT+CSSLCFG command, I think that is preventing the AT+SHCONN and AT+SHBOD commands from working. I am also not sure how I should be handling the quotation marks and commas inside the body for the AT+SHBOD command, do I simply prefix them with a back slash?. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong? I downloaded the top-level Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority key, which is below:


However I am not sure how to include that on the AT+CSSHCFG command.

Edit: I was able to successfully install the QPST software and upload the CA key to the 'customer' directory in the alternate file system of the SIM7000. I now get an "OK" response on the AT+CSSHCFG command. However, I am still getting "ERROR" on the AT+SHCONN command. I wonder if it is related to the AT+SNACT command erroring out too? The following tool was helpful in getting some additional insight on how the certificates work: As well as this previous issue: #71


jefflikesbagels avatar Jun 22 '19 16:06 jefflikesbagels

I'm having the same issues as @jefflikesbagels

In addition, I'm concerned that if I release these IoT devices to our customers then we will have to recall them all to update the root CA when those certificates expire.

I wonder if there's a way to force the device to trust the root CA regardless of who it is and then just continue with the HTTPS POST.

I think this would be ok, since the configuration on what we're sending to will be baked in to the firmware of our devices.


TimRoadley avatar Jun 23 '19 09:06 TimRoadley

In case it helps anyone, I managed to upload a cert with the following procedure (not using the EFS Explorer)

Copy a CA Root Cert (for the site you're trying to connect to) to the SIM7000:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the website you want the root cert for (e.g.
  3. Download the root certificate PEM, which should give you a .cer file
  4. Strip out all carriage returns and then count the characters in the cert file (look at the bottom of VSCode for a character count)

Use these commands to load the cert onto the SIM7000:

AT+CFSINIT AT+CFSWFILE=3,"AddTrust.crt",0,1496,10000 <-- 1496 is the char length that noted before paste the cert data into the terminal within 10 seconds AT+CFSTERM

This puts the cert in the 'customer' directory on the SIM7000. Tomorrow I'll see if this lets me make that https post, try your luck with this approach in the mean time.

TimRoadley avatar Jun 23 '19 10:06 TimRoadley

@TimRoadley Thanks for the info. I've been thinking about how I can integrate all of this into the Arduino so I can remotely push a new certificate to the EEPROM using some creativity with's tools, then use the AT+CFSWFILE command to write the certificate, but unfortunately I'm using an UNO which does not have enough EEPROM space to store the entire certificate. For my use case, I'm just doing a simple DIY project for a friend, so if it lasts until 2034 when the CA expires that's good enough for me haha. I guess I could expand the EEPROM with an additional chip, but at that point for all the extra work involved I might as well just switch to SMS alerts and pay the $0.20 per message instead.

What's strange is the ssltools site is giving me a 502 bad gateway when I tried to download the root certificate, but all of the others work. I originally just used Chrome to export it anyways. I think I am past the certificate part, so now I have to figure out why the AT+SHCONN command is failing.

jefflikesbagels avatar Jun 23 '19 10:06 jefflikesbagels

Well this is frustrating. I did some more digging, and found another issue that is preventing me from making progress. According to the SIMCOM technical documentation, the max string size for the URL on the AT+SHCONF and AT+SHREQ commands is 64 bytes. For sending a data route through Hologram, the Arduino needs to do an HTTPS POST to the following URL: I was not adding the API key before (duh - hologram was rejecting the API call), but now that I am adding it, the length of the URL is 81 bytes. I tried setting up an HTTP redirect on my personal web server to shorten the length, but the redirect prevents the hologram REST API from parsing the data properly.

One thing that helped me immensely was using the Restlet Client Chrome Extension. Between that and sifting through the Hologram REST API documentation again helped me figure out what format it's actually expecting.

Getting back to the issue at hand, it could be possible that the AT+SHCONN command fails because the Hologram API is rejecting the connection due to the incorrect URL (without the API key). Surely I am missing something here? The 64 byte URL limit is going to completely break the SIM7000's ability to do HTTPS POST commands to activate Hologram data routes. The next option may be using a TCP socket connection to Hologram Cloud: Socket API, Device Key. It looks like that would be the better solution anyways.

Sorry to derail a bit from the original intention of working with AWS, but I believe the procedure will be very similar to Hologram, so this development will still be beneficial. If I should create a separate issue tracker just let me know. It looks like AWS supports both HTTPS and MQTT calls, while Hologram supports HTTPS and TCP socket calls.

jefflikesbagels avatar Jun 25 '19 04:06 jefflikesbagels

@jefflikesbagels out of interest what firmware version are you running (and what chip)?

My testing has paused since I blew up my SIM7000E with a firmware update. Be careful with firmware over the air (FOTA)!

TimRoadley avatar Jun 25 '19 05:06 TimRoadley

@TimRoadley I have a SIM7000A running 1351B03SIM7000A firmware.

jefflikesbagels avatar Jun 25 '19 20:06 jefflikesbagels

@jefflikesbagels I wonder if would help (I have no idea)

TimRoadley avatar Jun 25 '19 22:06 TimRoadley

@TimRoadley Thanks, I went ahead and updated to B04 just for good measure.

I finally got the Arduino sending data to Hologram via the Socket API!!! The issue I found is very silly too. For the FONA library commands, a lot of them are used in the following (or a similar) fashion:

        // Connect to TCP server
        if (!fona.TCPconnect(host, port)) {
          Serial.println(F("Failed to connect to server!"));
        } else {
          Serial.println(F("Successfully connected to server!"));
        // Send TCP payload
        if (!fona.TCPsend(TCPpayload,sizeof(TCPpayload))) {
          Serial.println(F("Failed to send TCP payload!"));

Where there is an if statement checking whether the function returned false or true. With this code it was not working properly at all. However, on a whim I decided to try and simplify the code as much as possible, and removed all of these checks down to the following:

        fona.TCPconnect(host, port);

And all of a sudden it started working! One thing I noticed before was that I would get the "failed to connect" message on the serial monitor, but would continue receiving responses from the SIM7000, almost like the code is getting ahead of itself. I know I've deviated really far from the original goal of using HTTPS POST, but give this a shot and see if it helps. It's possible that removing all of the extra if statements and logic will allow the SIM7000 to send data properly. Here's the final snippet of code for my TCP socket connection:

        // Send TCP payload to server via LTE CAT-M/NB-IoT
        char host[] = "";
        uint32_t port = 9999;
        char devicekey[] = "xxxxxxxx";
        char data[] = "Water_Low";
        char topics[] = "WATER_LOW";
        char TCPpayload[strlen(devicekey)+strlen(data)+strlen(topics)+24];
        sprintf(TCPpayload, "{\"k\":\"%s\",\"d\":\"%s\",\"t\":\"%s\"}", devicekey, data, topics);

        // Connect to GPRS

        // Connect to TCP server
        fona.TCPconnect(host, port);

        // Send TCP payload

        // Disconnect from TCP server

        // Disconnect from GPRS

jefflikesbagels avatar Jun 26 '19 23:06 jefflikesbagels

Hey guys, there is now a Botletics community forum that makes it easier to post questions and things. Feel free to join!

botletics avatar Aug 01 '19 22:08 botletics


In case it helps anyone, I managed to upload a cert with the following procedure (not using the EFS Explorer)

Copy a CA Root Cert (for the site you're trying to connect to) to the SIM7000:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the website you want the root cert for (e.g.
  3. Download the root certificate PEM, which should give you a .cer file
  4. Strip out all carriage returns and then count the characters in the cert file (look at the bottom of VSCode for a character count)

Use these commands to load the cert onto the SIM7000:

AT+CFSINIT AT+CFSWFILE=3,"AddTrust.crt",0,1496,10000 <-- 1496 is the char length that noted before paste the cert data into the terminal within 10 seconds AT+CFSTERM

This puts the cert in the 'customer' directory on the SIM7000. Tomorrow I'll see if this lets me make that https post, try your luck with this approach in the meantime.

@TimRoadley Hey I used all the things you stated from downloading and remove carriage return to sending. But I GOT an error while writing the command

AT+CFSWFILE=3,"dweet.crt",0,1901,10000 DOWNLOAD


Do you know any reason why it happened? do I have to place that file in a certain folder? or do I have to remove Begin certificate and end certificate line?

sethivansh6 avatar Jul 18 '20 18:07 sethivansh6

@sethivansh6 ERROR during AT+CFSWFILE points at the module not receiving the (correct) file contents within the self-imposed time (you specified 10000 = 10 seconds). Perhaps there is a mismatch on the number of bytes (you specified 1901). No other content validation is performed in this step, it's just a straight EFS put.

Btw, when working in *nix command line, one can just wc -c (or even ls -l) the local file to get the exact number of bytes when preparing the transfer.

blazczak avatar Jul 30 '20 03:07 blazczak

Hey guys, please see this AWS AT command log from SIMCom. Hope it helps!

botletics avatar Dec 09 '20 23:12 botletics

@botletics Thanks, that helps a bit. I'm looking to configure the module to just validate the server cert. The client will be authenticated via username/password so there is no client cert.

Did anyone achieve this?

tomlankhorst avatar May 25 '21 19:05 tomlankhorst

Please see the addRootCA() and TCPconnect() functions here. Please also see this set of AT commands that another user tried that worked for him.

botletics avatar May 26 '21 02:05 botletics

Thank you. In addition, I got a response from SIMCOM:

The chipset for SIM7000E need CA\client crt\client key , 3 files, can not support only CA. But you can input dummy client crt and client key file, just to "cheat" the stack that it already has 3 file totally. BTW before connection please update date and time by NTP function, AT+CCLK? should return correct data and time. [...]

tomlankhorst avatar May 26 '21 08:05 tomlankhorst

@botletics I tried following the AWS IoT command log you posted however I am getting ERROR at AT+SMCONN.

How can I debug this? The same certificates and key allowed me to use their Python SDK to publish successfully.

+CCLK: "21/05/31,04:30:24+00"


+CSQ: 29,99

+CGREG: 0,1


+CGNAPN: 1,"ciot"


+CNACT: 1,""

CLIENTID: "basicPubSub"
URL: ""
QOS: 0


I also tried setting a topic and message (same topic that the python client successfully publishes to) with no luck.

davegravy avatar May 31 '21 04:05 davegravy

I finally figured this out!

I now have AT+SMCONN succeeding with AWS (haven't tested anything beyond this yet)

There's 2 important non-obvious steps.

  1. Whatever url AWS gives you for your IoT Core endpoint, you have to strip out the "-ats" from it. So "" becomes ""
  2. You need to use the legacy root certificate provided by AWS here under "VeriSign Endpoints (legacy)". NOTE some regions apparently don't support legacy certs, so it seems the SIM7000 won't work in those.

I also updated my SIM7000A to the B04 firmware from B03, not sure if that mattered.

Contrary to what @tomlankhorst posted, it doesn't seem to matter if your RTC is sync'd.

davegravy avatar Jun 01 '21 04:06 davegravy

Not quite there yet... subscriptions work but publishing doesn't.

2019-06-26 14:08:06:424[Send->]AT+SMPUB="ryan","8",1,1

2019-06-26 14:08:06:428[Recv<-]AT+SMPUB="ryan","8",1,1

> test626
2019-06-26 14:08:21:365[Send->]test626
2019-06-26 14:08:21:398[Recv<-]test626
2019-06-26 14:08:27:766[Recv<-]


The connection drops immediately after publish, and in the AWS (Cloudwatch) logs is this:

    "timestamp": "2021-06-01 04:56:38.276",
    "logLevel": "ERROR",
    "traceId": "6c4ca615-12d0-93d3-6434-f5f85365cc66",
    "accountId": "1234567890123",
    "status": "Failure",
    "eventType": "Publish-In",
    "protocol": "MQTT",
    "topicName": "ryan",
    "clientId": "basicPubSub",
    "principalId": "82b899e4bcb6bfc158f83be904d9a305e2b21ee255f0d7062cbe6ad3eda05f7a",
    "sourceIp": "",
    "sourcePort": 29573

davegravy avatar Jun 01 '21 05:06 davegravy

Publishing works with this:

> testing1
> testing2

fails with:

> testing3


fails with:

> testing3


In summary, server retain can't be used and qos=2 can't be used. This is an AWS limitation.

davegravy avatar Jun 01 '21 16:06 davegravy

Can't seem to get persistent connections working with AWS

  1. After AT+SMCONF="CLEANSS",0 I connect, then subscribe. Confirm I receive messages on the subscribed topic.

  2. Then I kill the power on the shield, publish a new (qos=1) message to the subscribed topic from another client, power the shield back on, reconnect (SMCONN). Queued message not received. Even new messages on the topic are not received.

  3. Resubscribe to topic (SMSUB), queued messages still not received, but new messages are received.

After power up and reconnect in step 2 I see this message in AWS Cloudwatch:

    "timestamp": "2021-06-02 13:54:53.996",
    "logLevel": "ERROR",
    "traceId": "8133c8d9-621f-d392-0b22-5f55b4c22f3e",
    "accountId": "144349053222",
    "status": "Failure",
    "eventType": "Disconnect",
    "protocol": "MQTT",
    "clientId": "ARMS-GF-D01",
    "principalId": "82b899e4bcb6bfc158f83ac904d9a305e2b21ee255f0d7062cbe6ad3eda05f7a",
    "sourceIp": "",
    "sourcePort": 16187,
    "reason": "DUPLICATE_CLIENT_ID",
    "details": "A new connection was established with the same client ID",
    "disconnectReason": "DUPLICATE_CLIENTID"

I think this suggests it is not rejoining the existing persistent session but starting a new one? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Also the last will and testament message isn't getting published to the configured topic at any point after disconnect.

davegravy avatar Jun 02 '21 14:06 davegravy

While I've been successful getting connections to complete over MQTTS, HTTPS is still not working with ERROR response from SHCONN.

If I use port 443 for the URL, SHCONN succeeds, but then I get 403 errors to all my requests because they lack SigV4 signing. If I use port 8443, then SHCONN times out. Note that I'm using the same CA , client cert and key for MQTTS, HTTPS (port 443) and HTTPS (port 8443). I can also curl the endpoint with no problem using these certs, so there does appear to be a bug somewhere with HTTPS.

I've had no response from SIMCOM technical support. in over a week.

davegravy avatar Jun 09 '21 18:06 davegravy

@davegravy Thanks for all your updates on getting MQTT working with AWS IoT. Can you please share your final commad log? We currently have an error when we connect. Thanks in advance.

JamesHillman87 avatar Jul 28 '21 10:07 JamesHillman87

@davegravy Thanks for all your updates on getting MQTT working with AWS IoT. Can you please share your final commad log? We currently have an error when we connect. Thanks in advance.

Hi James, I have been playing around with this today and below is the list of commands i used to both publish and subscribe.

//connecting the device to data network

//Is the SIM ready? does it require a pin AT+CPIN? +CPIN: READY OK

//check network strength Signal Quality report lower the first number the better 99 = unknown AT+CSQ +CSQ: 14,99 OK

//Check network registration status, 2nd number should be 1 to show that its registered AT+CGREG? +CGREG: 0,1 OK

//show operator selection AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,0,"O2 - UK giffgaff",7

//Get Network APN in CAT-M Or NB-IOT AT+CGNAPN +CGNAPN: 0,"" OK

//Set prefered modem selection 2 Automatic,13 GSM only,38 LTE only,51 GSM and LTE only AT+CNMP=13

//select the APN 0,deactive,1 active, 2 auto active AT+CNACT=1,"giffgaff" OK +APP PDP: ACTIVE

//Get ip address of modem AT+CNACT? +CNACT: 1,"" OK

//Set the verisign ca cert into device at+csslcfg=convert,2,verisignca.pem

//set the device connection to use the device certs at+csslcfg=convert,1,cert.pem,privatekey.pem

//set ssl version to use at least 1.2 AT+CSSLCFG="sslversion",0,3

//view current connection AT+SMCONF?

//Set up the certs for the SecureMqtt connection //rootca and device cert AT+SMSSL=1,verisignca.pem,cert.pem AT+SMCONF="URL",,8883

//Make sure you set the clientid AT+SMCONF="clientid","SIM7000"

//Connect to the MQTT broker AT+SMCONN

//Publish a message //default policy only allows you to publish on clientid topics,number of characters,QOS(only 0 works),Retain (only 0 works) AT+SMPUB="SIM7000/test",8,0,0

12345678 OK



psshiner avatar Aug 19 '21 15:08 psshiner

Here is a quick list of things I had to do to get the SIM7000A to work with MQTTS:

  • I had to update the firmware to 1351B04SIM7000A. There has been discussion on whether these matters. Yes, these matters. It will not work with B03 firmware. When downloading the firmware remember to jumper the BOOT_CFG pin with 1.8V_EXIT to get the module in download mode. This is already mentioned elsewhere, but I wanted to reiterate. Also, when in download mode, my module PWRKEY LED did not illuminate, just be aware.

  • I had to put the ca.crt, client.crt, and client.key in the customer file to get AT+CSSLCFG=”convert”… to work. This is number 3.

  • Be sure to check the minimum tls support on your mqtt broker, AWS and Mosquito need at least 1.1. This step is not shown in the SIM7000 Series_MQTT(S)_Application Note. Change the protocol to tls version using AT+CSSLCFG=”sslversion”,

  • If using AWS IoT core, you need to use the legacy Endpoints and the correct CA for it, just like davegravy said in an earlier post. If you do not live in a region that supports the legacy endpoint, you can easily change this in your AWS account in the upper right-hand corner where it says your regain.

I hope this helps someone.

chillenberger avatar Sep 14 '21 15:09 chillenberger

I've been meaning to implement the process mentioned by @davegravy in a program. This is the program that I'm using in the void loop part.

`modem.sendAT("+SMCONN"); if (modem.waitResponse(1000L, res) == 1) { res.replace(GSM_NL "OK" GSM_NL, ""); Serial.println(res); Serial.println("connection!!!!"); }


modem.sendAT("+SMPUB = \"BasicPubSub\", 425,0,0");
    if (modem.waitResponse(10000L, res) == 1) 
        res.replace(GSM_NL "OK" GSM_NL, "");

    if(modem.waitResponse(1000L,res) == 1)



and this is the message that arrives on the topic


AT+SMPUB = "BasicPubSub", 425,0,0



AT+SMPUB = "BasicPubSub", 425,0,0



AT+SMPUB = "BasicPubSub", 425,0,0



What is the mistake that I am doing ?

reddy9698 avatar Mar 28 '22 08:03 reddy9698

I have succeeded MQTTS to AWS using SIM7070G (Firmware B11) and hologram network. Follow @davegravy flow, BUT be sure to update module time manually or using NTP to the current time! It did not work without updating to the correct time!

Scrts avatar Jul 09 '22 05:07 Scrts

Hoping someone can give me a 101 on generating / collecting the Certs because that's where I'm stuck.

I'm using a HiveMQ broker that's an AWS server. Can someone point me to a detailed how-to on creating / saving the certificates? I think I pulled one, put it in the customer folder, but no matter what I do, I can't get at+csslcfg=convert,2,AWSCert.pem to get accepted by the SIM7000. Always sends an ERROR code back. I can't tell if it's because the file itself is an issue or something else - like wrong file location.

I've opened up the board I have using QPST, and it doesn't contain any of the folders we see in the CFSWFILE documentation: 0 "/custapp/" 1 "/fota/" 2 "/datatx/" 3 "/customer/" Tried to load a Cert using CFSWFILE but Putty sucks. Anyone got a better tool to use? I know I should probably not be using Win OS.

I created my own >>customer<< folder and put the Cert there. Also put the Cert in about 10 other folders to see if I could find the location it needs to be in, didn't work. I'm using B04 firmware.

polpol avatar Aug 05 '22 13:08 polpol

Once you open up the QPST tool, open start clients> EFS Explorer. The EFS Explorer will show you the primary file system by default. On the tool bar you will find an option for an "Alternative File System". You will find the required folders in this and inside the customer folder you can just drag drop the cert files that you want. (just make sure that the names and extensions are right when you are running AT commands).

reddy9698 avatar Aug 05 '22 14:08 reddy9698

The EFS Explorer will show you the primary file system by default. On the tool bar you will find an option for an "Alternative File System".

This worked beautifully, thank you! I thought I was going crazy.

Now I just need the right certificates...

polpol avatar Aug 06 '22 16:08 polpol

@botletics I tried following the AWS IoT command log you posted however I am getting ERROR at AT+SMCONN.

How can I debug this? The same certificates and key allowed me to use their Python SDK to publish successfully.

+CCLK: "21/05/31,04:30:24+00"


+CSQ: 29,99

+CGREG: 0,1


+CGNAPN: 1,"ciot"


+CNACT: 1,""

CLIENTID: "basicPubSub"
URL: ""
QOS: 0


I also tried setting a topic and message (same topic that the python client successfully publishes to) with no luck.

You have a working code sample that connects to AWS MQTT via SIM70XX and ESP32 AND listens to a topic?

erocam2012 avatar Aug 23 '22 21:08 erocam2012

AT+CCLK? +CCLK: "21/05/31,04:30:24+00"

Fix the time. It has to be synchronized. You can use NTP for that.

URL: ""

Remove '-ats' from the URL. You also need to use legacy certificate. See "Supported legacy endpoints" section here:

the '-ats' has been stripped from the endpoint address.

You have a working code sample that connects to AWS MQTT via SIM70XX and ESP32 AND listens to a topic?

My example here works for me when time is synchronized with NTP:

Scrts avatar Aug 23 '22 21:08 Scrts

Hey guys, figured out how to connect with SSL without verifying certs! Not sure if this would work with AWS though... Please do the following:

  • Set "SSL_FONA" to 1 in the .h file (remember to save the file before closing)
  • Download the latest .cpp file from GitHub
  • Open the unedited LTE_Demo example sketch and change "" to "" on line 1035 (under the '2' option)
  • Upload to the Arduino
  • Run the 'G' command to enable data connection, then run '2' to send data to using SSL. And voila! 😊

botletics avatar Sep 08 '22 02:09 botletics