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Carl-bot Documentation

This is the documentation for Carl-bot (

This is still a work in progress, and is constantly updated, in-case you find something incorrect/missing, feel free to raise a Pull request as per Contributing Guidelines below.


If you don't find the information you're looking for, please inform the support server.

It is hosted on

How to run the documentation locally

  • Clone the repository on your system.
  • Install docsify-cli npm i docsify-cli -g
  • Then do docsify serve ./docs to host the documentation on https://localhost:3000

Contributing Guidelines

  • You can fork this repository, and make changes and raise a pull-request.
  • All pull requests must be raised to the dev branch.
  • Once your contribution has been reviewed, it will be merged to the dev branch.
  • Periodically, the dev branch will be merged to master branch, and your changes will be auto-deployed.
  • All changes must be only factually corrective or additive to about the usage of bot. Stylistic changes won't be considered unless they are critical to the functioning of the documentation.
  • you can also raise a github issue for correction to the documention.