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[Help]: Android: `disconnect` says `already disconnected` instead of canceling autoconnect
- [X] I've looked at the README 'Common Problems' section
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FlutterBluePlus Version
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Bluetooth Module
BLE watch
What is your problem?
The issue reported previously here was marked as resolved but I still have the same issue on the latest plugin version 1.32.12 Note that this issue happens when trying to connect a device after disconnecting it.
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): connect() - device: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, auto: true
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): registerApp()
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): registerApp() - UUID=1e39eef6-9cce-466d-bbb6-be3308119f24
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <connect> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
D/TrafficStats(27345): tagSocket(313) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <disconnect> args:
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: disconnect
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] already disconnected
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <disconnect> result: false
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <connect> args: {remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, auto_connect: 1}
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: connect
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] already connecting
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <connect> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=8 device=CA:26:03:F6:2E:90
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onConnectionStateChange:connected
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] status: SUCCESS
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] [[ OnConnectionStateChanged ]] result: {disconnect_reason_code: 0, disconnect_reason_string: SUCCESS, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, connection_state: 1}
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <discoverServices> args: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: discoverServices
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): discoverServices() - device: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): onSearchComplete() = Device=CA:26:03:F6:2E:90 Status=0
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onServicesDiscovered:
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] count: 11
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] status: 0GATT_SUCCESS
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <discoverServices> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] [[ OnDiscoveredServices ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, success: 1, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, error_code: 0, services: [{included_services: [], characteristics: [{descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, characteristic_uuid: 2a00, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_writes: 0, extended_properties: 0, indicate: 0, indicate_encryption_required: 0, write: 0, notify: 0}}, {descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, characteristic_uuid: 2a01, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_writes: 0, extended_properties: 0, indicate: 0, indicate_encryption_required: 0, write: 0, notify: 0}}, {descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, characteristic_uuid: 2a04, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_write
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> args: {remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, service_uuid: 1801, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: 2a05, force_indications: false, enable: true}
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: setNotifyValue
D/BluetoothGatt(27345): setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onDescriptorWrite:
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] chr: 2a05
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] desc: 2902
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] status: GATT_SUCCESS (0)
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] [[ OnDescriptorWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: 1801, success: 1, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, descriptor_uuid: 2902, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: 2a05, value: 0200}
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <readCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, service_uuid: 180a, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: 2a26}
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: readCharacteristic
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <readCharacteristic> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onCharacteristicRead:
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] chr: 2a26
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] status: GATT_SUCCESS (0)
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: 180a, success: 1, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: 2a26, value: 362e31302e30}
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, service_uuid: 156e7000-a300-4fea-897b-86f698d74461, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: 7001, write_type: 0, allow_long_write: 0, value: 120d0000000000}
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onCharacteristicWrite:
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] chr: 7001
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] status: GATT_SUCCESS (0)
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: 156e7000-a300-4fea-897b-86f698d74461, success: 1, remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: 7001, value: 120d0000000000}
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: CA:26:03:F6:2E:90, service_uuid: 156e1000-a300-4fea-897b-86f698d74461, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: 1005, write_type: 0, allow_long_write: 0, value: 3052221002092404}
D/[FBP-Android](27345): [FBP] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
I/flutter (27345): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> result: true
E/gralloc4(27345): Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data