Yang Lee

Results 4 issues of Yang Lee

I am making some change to make RETableViewManager to fit with FDTemplateLayoutCell https://github.com/boska/RETableViewManager-Auto-Height is it any plan to merge RETableViewManager with this uitableview height solution

- Remove Core Data Platform due to Query Kit outdated - Remove Cocoapods related files - Fix compiler warning - Instructions ``` brew install carthage carthage update open *.xcodeproj ```...

Testing Result: ``` github "boska/RxAnimated" "carthage" ``` ![RxAnimatedTesting (fish) 2019-04-02 11-28-38](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2024208/55374292-80dde280-553a-11e9-8e8c-49d61c8913be.png)

- Update the Swift version to 5.0 - Update RxSwift to 4.5.0 #### Test Cartfile ``` github "boska/RxCoreMotion" "master" ``` #### Test Result Build sucess #### Test Environment Carthage 0.32.0...