Results 109 issues of Stéphane Bortzmeyer

OpenSSL has a routine `SSL_get_verify_result` to check the validation status of a connection for which any result was accepted. I do not find it in PyOpenSSL? Context: I want to...

OpenSSL now [supports DANE]( It would be great if this authentication method were exposed by PyOpenSSL.

``` % go install ./cmd/dolt ../../../Programmation/Go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/vg/vgpdf/vgpdf.go:12:2: package embed is not in GOROOT (/usr/lib/go-1.15/src/embed) ``` ``` % go version go version go1.15.15 linux/amd64 % go env GO111MODULE="" GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOCACHE="/home/bortzmeyer/.cache/go-build" GOENV="/home/bortzmeyer/.config/go/env"...

I ran dehydrated and there was a error in my request ("status": 400). As a result, dehydrated removed domains.txt. Running it again, same issue with my request, it tries again...


Not very important but it can help: how to do it without a DNS server says (example "Pure python quantum computing machinery"): ``` qc.measure("q1") qc.measure("q2") Probability.pretty_print_probabilities(qc.qubits.get_quantum_register_containing("q1").get_state()) ``` If you do so, the last line always output: ``` |psi>=|00> Pr(|00>)=1.000000; =1.000000 ``` Because measurement destroyed...

Currently, the tool uses a generic library to connect to the HTTPS site and the library rejects connections if there is a TLS problem (expired certificate, unknown CA, etc). This...

``` % curl -v * Trying * connect to port 443 failed: Connection timed out * Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out *...

"warmth, empathy and understanding may outweigh a clever algorithm or technical argument" That's quite dangerous. Yes, programming is also an art and cannot be completely analyzed. But technical arguments cannot...