Boris Brtáň
Boris Brtáň
Hi, @PetrHeinz we have came to the agreement with @pk16011990 and @vitek-rostislav that all that will be in services folder. Routing will be in parent folder `config`. and there will...
consistency where in `project-base/app/config` it is named config.yml and it loads packages subfolder so in services folder it should be services.yml but would does make sense to use some additional...
> hm, makes sense to me, however, I am not working on this issue - the decision is on @boris-brtan so it makes sense to you @vitek-rostislav that it will...
> To me, > > * `config/services` > * `config/routing` > * `config/parameters` > * ... is this solution OK for you @pk16011990 @simara-svatopluk @PetrHeinz ?
hi @pk16011990 would the last suggestion from PetrHeinz solve your issue? if not i would create PR based on it but that will not close this issue after merge.
hi @vitek-rostislav, seems now that this is not in implementation anymore.
@pk16011990 is there any example of it in project-base now?
Hi @barryvdh, is there an easy way how to extend the Driver ? I would like to implement thumbnails methods to use google cloud bucket path. i use also
is this something that can be fixed or do you need Pull Request to be created?
tried something, it is not perfect however better than nothing.