woe icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
woe copied to clipboard

Tools for WoE Transformation mostly used in ScoreCard Model for credit rating


.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/justdoit0823/pywxclient.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/justdoit0823/pywxclient

version: 0.1.4

Tools for WoE Transformation mostly used in ScoreCard Model for credit rating


We can simply use pip to install, as the following:

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install woe

or installing from git

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install git+https://github.com/boredbird/woe


  • Split tree with IV criterion

  • Rich and plentiful model eval methods

  • Unified format and easy for output

  • Storage of IV tree for follow-up use

woe module function tree


|- __init__
|- config.py 
|   |-- config
|   	|-- __init__
|		|-- change_config_var_dtype()
|		|-- load_file()
|- eval.py 
|   |-- compute_ks()
|   |-- eval_data_summary()
|   |-- eval_feature_detail()
|   |-- eval_feature_stability()
|   |-- eval_feature_summary()
|   |-- eval_model_stability()
|   |-- eval_model_summary()
|   |-- eval_segment_metrics()
|   |-- plot_ks()
|   |-- proc_cor_eval()
|   |-- proc_validation()
|   |-- wald_test()
|- feature_process.py 
|   |-- binning_data_split()
|   |-- calculate_iv_split()
|   |-- calulate_iv()
|   |-- change_feature_dtype()
|   |-- check_point()
|   |-- fillna()
|   |-- format_iv_split()
|   |-- proc_woe_continuous()
|   |-- proc_woe_discrete()
|   |-- process_train_woe()
|   |-- process_woe_trans()
|   |-- search()
|   |-- woe_trans()
|- ftrl.py 
|   |-- FTRL()
|   |-- LR()
|- GridSearch.py 
|   |-- fit_single_lr()
|   |-- grid_search_lr_c()
|   |-- grid_search_lr_c_main()
|   |-- grid_search_lr_validation()


In the examples directory, there is a simple woe transformation program as tutorials.

Or you can write a more complex program with this woe package.

Version Records

woe 0.1.4 2018-03-01 * support py3

woe 0.1.3 2018-02-09

* woe.feature_process.proc_woe_discrete(): fix bug when deal with discrete varibales
* woe.eval.eval_feature_detail(): fix bug : utf-8 output file format
* woe.GridSearch.grid_search_lr_c_main(): add function warper for convenience and high efficiency
* woe.GridSearch.grid_search_lr_c_validation(): monitor the ks performance of training sets and test sets on different 'c'
* supplement examples test scripts

woe 0.1.2 2017-12-05

* woe.ftrl.FTRL(): add online learning module

woe 0.1.1 2017-11-28

* woe.config.load_file(): change param data_path to be optional
* woe.eval.eval_feature_stability(): fix bug : psi_dict['stability_index'] computation error
* woe.feature_process.change_feature_dtype(): add friendly tips when encounter a error
* woe.feature_process.calulate_iv(): refactor the code
* woe.feature_process.calculate_iv_split(): refactor the code
* woe.feature_process.binning_data_split(): reduce the number of len() function calls with __len__() and shape attributes;replace namedtuple with dict
* woe.feature_process.fillna(): new added function to fill null value
* woe.GridSearch.grid_search_lr_c(): list of regularization parameter c specified inside the function is changed to the user specified

woe 0.0.9 2017-11-21

* Add module : GridSearch for the search of optimal hyper parametric C in LogisticRegression
* Code refactoring: function compute_ks and plot_ks

woe 0.0.8 2017-09-28

* More flexible: cancel conditional restriction in function feature_process.change_feature_dtype() 
* Fix bug: the wrong use of deepcopy in function feature_process.woe_trans()

woe 0.0.7 2017-09-19

* Fix bug: eval.eval_feature_detail raises ValueError('arrays must all be same length')
* Add parameter interface: alpha specified step learning rate ,default 0.01

How to Contribute

Email me,[email protected].