rmview copied to clipboard
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
Remarkable 2 SW version
Using VNC branch of rmview,
along with rmview -v
inside sh docker-run.sh
results in the following behavior
[INFO] STARTING: Wed May 1 00:46:19 2024
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
[INFO] Searching configuration in rmview.json, /root/.config/rmview.json
[INFO] Fetching configuration from /root/.config/rmview.json
[WARNING] Config file "/root/.config/rmview.json" is readable by others (permissions=644). If your config file contains secrets (e.g. password) you are strongly encouraged to make sure it's not readable by other users (chmod 600 /root/.config/rmview.json)
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
[intel_init_bufmgr:1009] Error initializing buffer manager.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: i915
libGL error: failed to open drm device: No such file or directory
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
I have the same issues people have described in #156 (red dot but stuck on connecting)
I wonder if they were to run rmview -v
if maybe they are also having libGL issues?
additional docker info
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 26.0.1
Context: default
Debug Mode: false
buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc.)
Version: v0.13.1
Path: /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc.)
Version: v2.26.1
Path: /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
Containers: 372
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 372
Images: 399
Server Version: 26.0.1
Storage Driver: overlay2
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Supports d_type: true
Using metacopy: false
Native Overlay Diff: true
userxattr: false
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Cgroup Version: 1
Volume: local
Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 nvidia runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: e377cd56a71523140ca6ae87e30244719194a521
runc version: v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94
init version: de40ad0
Security Options:
Profile: builtin
Kernel Version: 5.15.0-105-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 16
Total Memory: 31.05GiB
Name: 76383lx
ID: f3065bf7-6a51-4a6c-8ab5-59d30ce98a67
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode: false
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false
I am running into a similar issue.
I think it's not the network but rather an issue with loading the video driver. I notice you have the Intel i915/iris and I have an issue with the AMD radeonsi some (null) drivers. Additionally, I actually have 2 GPUs, the AMD as mentiononed but also an NVidia GeForce RTX 4060 (Asus ROG Zephyrus GA402). The other thing to note in my case is that I'm running podman not docker. It should be a drop-in replacement but you never know.
I can see the pen trail when I hover the pen over the tablet at a close distance and move it around but it stays on the "connecting to remarkable..." screen. And the pen marks my remarkable2 page but doesn't show up in the viewer.
docker-run.sh ouput:
2024-05-01 16:45:40+0000 [-] Log opened.
[INFO] STARTING: Wed May 1 16:45:40 2024
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
[INFO] Searching configuration in rmview.json, /root/.config/rmview.json
[DEBUG] Configuration failure in rmview.json: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'rmview.json'
[INFO] Fetching configuration from /root/.config/rmview.json
libGL error: pci id for fd 10: 1002:15bf, driver (null)
libGL error: No driver found
libGL error: failed to load driver: (null)
libGL error: pci id for fd 10: 1002:15bf, driver (null)
pci id for fd 11: 1002:15bf, driver (null)
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi
[DEBUG] Config values: {'ssh': {'address': '', 'username': 'root', 'password': '**********', 'timeout': 2, 'host_key_policy': 'auto_add'}, 'orientation': 'auto', 'pen_size': 15, 'pen_color': 'red', 'pen_trail': 200}
[INFO] Using known hosts file: /root/.config/rmview_known_hosts
[INFO] Loaded known hosts from /root/.config/rmview_known_hosts
[INFO] Connecting...
[INFO] Connected to
[DEBUG] Using update.conf as SW version authority
[INFO] Detected SW version:
[INFO] Detected device: reMarkable 2.0
[INFO] Using backend 'screenshare'
[INFO] Connecting to ScreenShare, make sure you enable it
[WARNING] Authenticating, please wait...
2024-05-01 16:45:51+0000 [-] ChallengeReaderProtocol starting on 5901
2024-05-01 16:45:51+0000 [-] Starting protocol <rmview.screenstream.screenshare.ChallengeReaderProtocol object at 0x7f7225246640>
[DEBUG] Stopping connection worker
[DEBUG] Stopping ScreenShare streamer thread...
[INFO] Disconnecting from VNC server...
[DEBUG] Disconnect failed ('ScreenShareStream' object has no attribute 'vncClient'), stopping reactor
[DEBUG] ScreenShare streamer thread stopped.
2024-05-01 16:45:52+0000 [ChallengeReaderProtocol (UDP)] (UDP Port 5901 Closed)
2024-05-01 16:45:52+0000 [ChallengeReaderProtocol (UDP)] Stopping protocol <rmview.screenstream.screenshare.ChallengeReaderProtocol object at 0x7f7225246640>
2024-05-01 16:45:52+0000 [-] Main loop terminated.
[INFO] QUITTING: Wed May 1 16:45:52 2024
podman info:
arch: amd64
buildahVersion: 1.35.3
- pids
cgroupManager: systemd
cgroupVersion: v2
package: conmon-2.1.10-30.1.x86_64
path: /usr/bin/conmon
version: 'conmon version 2.1.10, commit: unknown'
idlePercent: 95.25
systemPercent: 1.32
userPercent: 3.43
cpus: 16
databaseBackend: sqlite
distribution: opensuse-tumbleweed
version: "20240419"
eventLogger: journald
freeLocks: 2024
hostname: zephyrus
- container_id: 0
host_id: 1002
size: 1
- container_id: 1
host_id: 165536
size: 65536
- container_id: 0
host_id: 1001
size: 1
- container_id: 1
host_id: 165536
size: 65536
kernel: 6.8.7-1-default
linkmode: dynamic
logDriver: journald
memFree: 12547796992
memTotal: 32819916800
networkBackend: netavark
backend: netavark
package: aardvark-dns-1.10.0-1.3.x86_64
path: /usr/libexec/podman/aardvark-dns
version: aardvark-dns 1.10.0
package: netavark-1.10.3-1.2.x86_64
path: /usr/libexec/podman/netavark
version: netavark 1.10.3
name: crun
package: crun-1.14.4-49.1.x86_64
path: /usr/bin/crun
version: |-
crun version 1.14.4
commit: a220ca661ce078f2c37b38c92e66cf66c012d9c1
rundir: /run/user/1001/crun
spec: 1.0.0
os: linux
executable: /usr/bin/pasta
package: passt-20240405.954589b-1.1.x86_64
version: |
pasta unknown version
Copyright Red Hat
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
exists: false
path: /run/user/1001/podman/podman.sock
apparmorEnabled: false
rootless: true
seccompEnabled: true
seccompProfilePath: /etc/containers/seccomp.json
selinuxEnabled: false
serviceIsRemote: false
executable: ""
package: ""
version: ""
swapFree: 2147549184
swapTotal: 2147549184
uptime: 3h 27m 50.00s (Approximately 0.12 days)
variant: ""
authorization: null
- k8s-file
- none
- passthrough
- journald
- bridge
- macvlan
- ipvlan
- local
- registry.opensuse.org
- registry.suse.com
- docker.io
configFile: /home/suse-mak3r/.config/containers/storage.conf
number: 23
paused: 0
running: 0
stopped: 23
graphDriverName: overlay
graphOptions: {}
graphRoot: /home/suse-mak3r/.local/share/containers/storage
graphRootAllocated: 1486141521920
graphRootUsed: 191271260160
Backing Filesystem: btrfs
Native Overlay Diff: "true"
Supports d_type: "true"
Supports shifting: "false"
Supports volatile: "true"
Using metacopy: "false"
imageCopyTmpDir: /var/tmp
number: 70
runRoot: /run/user/1001/containers
transientStore: false
volumePath: /home/suse-mak3r/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes
APIVersion: 5.0.2
Built: 1713433976
BuiltTime: Thu Apr 18 05:52:56 2024
GitCommit: ""
GoVersion: go1.21.9
Os: linux
OsArch: linux/amd64
Version: 5.0.2
The following fix quickly fixed the problem for me: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71010343/cannot-load-swrast-and-iris-drivers-in-fedora-35/72200748#72200748
I do not have anymore the libGL error: MESA-LOADER, but I still cannot connect share the screen. Probably something related to #146 but not sure...
Same issue here using Ubuntu 24.04 with Wayland with intel iGPU (MESA drivers). I suspect the previous commenter's fixes worked or happened only with eGPU/iGPU because switching those configurations most likely changed the display server back to X11.
startup logs
[INFO] STARTING: Wed Jun 5 09:05:34 2024
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
[INFO] Searching configuration in rmview.json, /root/.config/rmview.json
[INFO] Fetching configuration from /root/.config/rmview.json
[WARNING] Config file "/root/.config/rmview.json" is readable by others (permissions=644). If your config file contains secrets (e.g. password) you are strongly encouraged to make sure it's not readable by other users (chmod 600 /root/.config/rmview.json)
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
libGL error: Version 4 or later of flush extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: i915
The docker-run.sh
command forwards the X11 sockets, but since all the environment variables say it's running on Wayland, the Qt platform runs expecting to be able to access it. As it can't, it errors out.
This can be solved by overriding the XDG_SESSION_TYPE
environment variable to XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11
when running the docker command, since xwayland
is probably running on most systems for backup compatibility, so the display server connection will be successful.
We could probably add support for wayland directly (QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland), though. This is most definitely a 'hack'.
Changing the command to the following solves the issue:
docker run \
--env XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 \
--network host \
--volume $CONFIG_DIR:/root/.config \
--volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
hey @rgon
I pulled your recent MR.
When running as is, I still got the same errors
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
[intel_init_bufmgr:1009] Error initializing buffer manager.
libGL error: failed to create dri screen
libGL error: failed to load driver: i915
libGL error: failed to open drm device: No such file or directory
libGL error: failed to load driver: iris
what I did to debug
docker run -it <container ID> /bin/bash
I noticed that XGD_SESSION_TYPE
was not present
I added to the dockerfile
which does add that argument to my env in my docker container, but still the same issues persist.
Local env `XGD_SESSION_TYPE` is x11, so it looks like I have been running X11 this whole time.
Can you add any relevant laptop, remarkable details on your end and I can try to compare your setup vs mine?
or if there are details on my side you'd like to know i'm happy to provide.