Greg Boratyn
Greg Boratyn
@matuskalas, unfortunately we do not have specs for BLAST formats. I can help with this either by answering questions or contributing pull requests. Are BLAST formats already defined in EDAM...
Creating a new environment worked for me: ``` conda create -n blastenv -c bioconda -c conda-forge blast==2.15.0 ``` Also, make sure to include `conda-forge`.
Hi @arminmm91, thank you for trying elastic-blast and we are sorry you ran into a problem. Are you by any chance working on Windows? If so, I'm sorry to report...
We looked closer into your issue and it looks like elastic-blast does not install correctly in Windows. A few files are missing and this results in the error message that...
Unfortunately `-entrez_query` is not supported by elastic-blast. You can use `-taxids` option instead, so your `options` parameter will look like this: ``` options = -task blastx-fast -evalue 1e-3 -outfmt "6...
@arminmm91 , we noticed that the default Kubernetes version was updated in GCP and it may be causing issues for elastic-blast. If you are still having issues adding `gke-version =...
Hi @arminmm91, can you attach `elastic-blast.log` file and `elastic-blast-diagnotics.tgz` created by running: ``` gsutil -qm cp -r ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}/logs . gsutil -qm cp -r ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}/metadata . tar czf elastic-blast-diagnostics.tgz logs metadata...
@arminmm91, I found one problem. It looks like you are trying to run a blastn search with `-task blastn-fast`. There is no blastn-fast task. The fast nucleotide search is megablast....
Hi @arminmm91, you left the `-task` parameter without the argument in `options`. You need to either specify `-task megablast` or remove `-task` from options. Sorry if I was not clear...
@arminmm91, `metadata_FAILURE_details(1).txt` and `metadata_FAILURE_details(2).txt` are for the runs where you specified `-task blasts-fast` and `-task` (no task name). These have incorrect blast `options`. I do not see the logs for...