keyboard copied to clipboard
downgrade to 0.11.0
Thanks a lot for this great package. It seems that in 0.13.x the keyup event in windows is broken. If had as well non-english names of special keys. Reinstall while having english as the system language helps.
Hotkey trigger_on_release doesn't work because of that probably. Another problem with Hotkeys is this: ctrl+shift+a, s
. This would trigger when the user holds ctrl, shift and "a" at once, releases, and then presses "s". <-- This isn't working.
Would be nice an implementation of mouse in hotkeys. I modified the keyboard lib to do it so.
The mouse keys names: 'mleft', 'mright', 'middle', 'mx', 'mx2'.
Thanks a lot ! I also had non-english names for keys such as down/left/right/up. For a reason I don't have, only one hook (the on_press xor the on_release) could work simultaneously (the first listener enabled). I downgraded to 0.11.0 and now it works and I have only english names. Here is the code used to test it :
import pprint
import keyboard
def on_press_callback(key):
print("Key pressed: {0}".format(key))
def on_release_callback(key):
print("Key released: {0}".format(key))
I have the exact same issue here:
The code posted above does not work with the latest version (0.13.5) -> only the on_press event is triggered when using both on_press and on_release events. If you comment the line keyboard.on_press(on_press_callback)
the on_release event works normally though.
After downgrading to v0.11.0 the problem disappear (thanks for the tip @Ark-70!)