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The blog source code and content

The Blog

This is the source code and content for the blog, which can be found at


We would love for you to add your own article, or make improvements to an existing article! You can read the contributing guide here for how to get started.


You can read the license here. In short, you're free to copy and edit this blog. That said, all the content in this repository is owned by, and you're not permitted to host or publish it elsewhere. We want you to be able to submit updates and even entire articles if you choose, but be aware that an accepted submission does not give you any ownership over the content in this project.

Quick start development

Make sure you have yarn and the latest version of hugo installed on your local machine.

yarn install
yarn serve

Recommended VS code plugins

  • Spellchecker by Michael Vernier
  • Markdown All in One by Yu Zhang
  • Eslint by Microsoft

Check for broken links

In one terminal start the server on localhost:1313

yarn serve

Then run the check in another terminal:

make buildscripts && ./bin/linkcheck

It will print any issues.


Use the following scripts to manage global shortcodes.

Build the scripts

make buildscripts

Add a SHORTCODE to all posts at the end of SECTION_NUMBER


Remove SHORTCODE from all posts

./bin/rmshorts SHORTCODE

Reset current ctas

./bin/rmshorts cta1
./bin/rmshorts cta2
./bin/rmshorts cta3

./bin/addshorts cta1 2
./bin/addshorts cta2 4
./bin/addshorts cta3 7

Resize images

Place original images go in the raw/ directory.

Create a directory static/img/X where X is the max width of the new images.

yarn image-min

This resizes all the images and places them in the new folder and deletes them from raw/.

The syntax to include them in a post is:

![alt text here](/img/800/technology.png.webp)

Docx to markdown

Add .docx file to docx/ directory.

./scripts/ path_to_docx