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NoSuchFileException related to Intellij __jb_tmp__ safe write files

Open kennyjwilli opened this issue 8 years ago • 18 comments

I seem to be inconsistently getting this error when writing the target dirs after a reload. It goes away if I restart my boot process.

Writing main.cljs.edn...
Compiling ClojureScript...
• main.js
Writing target dir(s)...
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: target/some/project/myns.cljs___jb_tmp___
      java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: target/some/project/myns.cljs___jb_tmp___
    file: "target/some/project/myns.cljs___jb_tmp___"
sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException        86
  sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException       102
  sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException       107
   sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.implDelete  244
   sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete  103
                        boot.filesystem/delete!                   filesystem.clj:  163
                         boot.filesystem/patch!                   filesystem.clj:  178
                clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic                         core.clj:  652
                        clojure.core/partial/fn                         core.clj: 2534
      boot.core/fileset-syncer/fn/iter/fn/fn/fn                         core.clj:  930
            clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn                         core.clj: 1938
Elapsed time: 0.162 sec

From the discussion on #boot on Slack it seems the __jb_tmp__ is an IntelliJ file that is semi-atomically created (using SafeFileOutputStream according to cfleming).

kennyjwilli avatar Jun 14 '16 23:06 kennyjwilli

This would also solve the issue with emacs' lock files.

arichiardi avatar Jun 14 '16 23:06 arichiardi

Example project with error below.

Writing main.cljs.edn...
Compiling ClojureScript...
• main.js
Writing target dir(s)...
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: target/boot_files/core.cljs___jb_tmp___
      java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: target/boot_files/core.cljs___jb_tmp___
    file: "target/boot_files/core.cljs___jb_tmp___"
sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException        86
  sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException       102
  sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException       107
   sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.implDelete  244
   sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete  103
                        boot.filesystem/delete!                   filesystem.clj:  163
                         boot.filesystem/patch!                   filesystem.clj:  178
                clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic                         core.clj:  652
                        clojure.core/partial/fn                         core.clj: 2534
      boot.core/fileset-syncer/fn/iter/fn/fn/fn                         core.clj:  930
            clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn                         core.clj: 1938
Elapsed time: 0.101 sec

kennyjwilli avatar Jun 15 '16 00:06 kennyjwilli

It appears that the exception is thrown in every boot process (e.g. I have boot web-dev running in one terminal and boot repl running in another. When the exception is thrown in the boot web-dev instance the exception also gets thrown in the boot repl terminal).

kennyjwilli avatar Jun 17 '16 01:06 kennyjwilli

This is still occuring for me. The exception is slightly different though. Related problem?

Uncaught exception in thread Thread-29:
                               boot.core/watch-dirs/fn                      core.clj:  751
                    boot.core/set-user-dirs!/on-change                      core.clj:  194
                             boot.core/sync-user-dirs!                      core.clj:  139
                                      boot.core/patch!                      core.clj:  724
                                   clojure.core/reduce                      core.clj: 6704
                           clojure.core.protocols/fn/G                 protocols.clj:   13
                             clojure.core.protocols/fn                 protocols.clj:   75
                    clojure.core.protocols/iter-reduce                 protocols.clj:   49
                               boot.core/patch!/merge'                      core.clj:  722
                                boot.filesystem/mktree                filesystem.clj:  113
                              boot.file/walk-file-tree                      file.clj:   59
                      java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree           2706
                    java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.visit   276
            java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.getAttributes   225
                    java.nio.file.Files.readAttributes           1737
     sun.nio.fs.LinuxFileSystemProvider.readAttributes   99
      sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.readAttributes  144
sun.nio.fs.UnixFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes   55
         sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException    107
         sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException    102
       sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException     86
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: src/compute/ui_frontend/re_frame.cljs___jb_old___
    file: "src/compute/ui_frontend/re_frame.cljs___jb_old___"

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 10 '18 01:01 kennyjwilli

@kennyjwilli thanks for reporting!

  1. Is the repro ( still intact and can you reproduce the issue there?
  2. Could you please add some minimal information what to run to reproduce the issue?

martinklepsch avatar Jan 10 '18 08:01 martinklepsch

I'm struggling to get it to reproduce outside of our large CLJS project. We have a project with 50+ CLJS namespaces and occasionally while recompiling, that error is thrown. That project takes 2s or more to compile compared to the 0.2s the boot-files-issue repo takes. I'll take a look at Boot's code to see if this is an easy fix.

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 12 '18 18:01 kennyjwilli

It seems to happen if there are rapid file changes while it is compiling the CLJS.

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 12 '18 21:01 kennyjwilli

It seems like these files are created from IntelliJ's "safe write" feature:

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 12 '18 21:01 kennyjwilli

Disabling "safe write" fixes the issue.

It's tough to debug when I can't get the Cursive debugger to break on the NoSuchFileException. I'd really like to know what params are being passed to each function so I at least can replicate the behavior in the REPL.

It's also interesting that I can only reliably reproduce the error when a CLJS REPL is running.

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 12 '18 21:01 kennyjwilli

Best guess at what is happening:

  1. File is saved in editor with "safe write" enabled
  2. IntelliJ writes the changed file to its temp file (e.g. src/compute/ui_frontend/re_frame.cljs___jb_tmp___)
  3. Boot creates the filesystem tree which includes the jb_tmp file
  4. IntelliJ safely writes to the original file and deletes its temporary file.
  5. Boot attempts to walk the file tree it created in 1 and a java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException is thrown because the jb_tmp file was included in the file tree but deleted before the file tree could be walked.

This is a race condition which would explain why it only happens occasionally.

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 12 '18 22:01 kennyjwilli

I have added the regex .*\_\_\_$ to my .bootignore which should cause Boot to ignore any files ending with ___ but the issue still occurs.

kennyjwilli avatar Jan 12 '18 22:01 kennyjwilli

There’s an outstanding PR (which will be part of the next release) that makes bootignore behavior more consistent:

You could try merging those changes and rebuilding boot locally to see if that makes bootignore work as expected.

I’m also wondering if there are ways to make IntelliJ write those files elsewhere? I roughly remember similar issues related to emacs storing temporary files in watched directories. (I think there’s some stuff in the wiki about this, will update with a link later.)

martinklepsch avatar Jan 13 '18 10:01 martinklepsch

It seems there are other people also having issues with IntelliJ's safe write feature: — the universal solution seems to be disabling safe write 😏

martinklepsch avatar Jan 13 '18 10:01 martinklepsch

@kennyjwilli I updated the name if this ticket, feel free to change if you feel this does not accurately reflect the nature of this problem.

martinklepsch avatar Jan 13 '18 11:01 martinklepsch

Rereading #663 it seems that this won't affect the issue at hand since .bootignore really just takes care of ignoring directories, not individual files.

martinklepsch avatar Jan 13 '18 11:01 martinklepsch

Ideas for changes that could help future users avoid this kind of trouble:

  • Document it in the Cursive page in the wiki
  • Catch NoSuchFileExceptions occuring in boot.file/walk-file-tree and print additional information if the filepath contains __jb_old__ or similar

martinklepsch avatar Jan 13 '18 11:01 martinklepsch

I have the same problem using Spacemacs:

Exception in thread "Thread-15" java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: src/tao/.#tests_spa.cljs at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException( at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException( at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException( at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes( at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.readAttributes( at sun.nio.fs.LinuxFileSystemProvider.readAttributes( at java.nio.file.Files.readAttributes( at java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.getAttributes( at java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.visit( at at java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree( at boot.file$walk_file_tree.doInvoke(file.clj:59) at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke( at boot.filesystem$mktree.doInvoke(filesystem.clj:113) at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke( at boot.core$patch_BANG_$merge_SINGLEQUOTE___728.invoke(core.clj:722) at clojure.core.protocols$iter_reduce.invokeStatic(protocols.clj:49) at clojure.core.protocols$fn__7839.invokeStatic(protocols.clj:75) at clojure.core.protocols$fn__7839.invoke(protocols.clj:75) at clojure.core.protocols$fn__7781$G__7776__7794.invoke(protocols.clj:13) at clojure.core$reduce.invokeStatic(core.clj:6748) at clojure.core$reduce.invoke(core.clj:6730) at boot.core$patch_BANG_.doInvoke(core.clj:724) at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke( at boot.core$sync_user_dirs_BANG_.invoke(core.clj:139) at boot.core$set_user_dirs_BANG_$on_change__459.invoke(core.clj:194) at boot.core$watch_dirs$fn__737.invoke(core.clj:751) at at

witek avatar Jan 31 '18 11:01 witek

Whilst waiting for this problem to go away I did this hack:

(require 'boot.filesystem)
(in-ns 'boot.filesystem)
(let [mkvisitor-0 mkvisitor]
  (defn mkvisitor [^Path root tree & {:keys [ignore]}]
    (let [^SimpleFileVisitor v0 (mkvisitor-0 root tree :ignore ignore)]
      (proxy [SimpleFileVisitor] []
        (postVisitDirectory [t e] (.postVisitDirectory v0 t e))
        (preVisitDirectory [path attr] (.preVisitDirectory v0 path attr))
        (visitFile [path attr] (.visitFile v0 path attr))
        (visitFileFailed [path exc] FileVisitResult/CONTINUE)))))
(in-ns 'boot.user)

This appears to make this class of issue go away for me.

larkery avatar Nov 07 '18 17:11 larkery