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Support for generalized Laguerre polynomials?

Open rnburn opened this issue 9 months ago • 4 comments

Is there any support for generalized Laguerre polynomials, $L_n^\alpha(\cdot)$ where $\alpha > -1$ and $\alpha$ is a floating point number?

I'm looking for functionality similar to what scipy.special.roots_genlaguerre provides.

For example

>>> import scipy
>>> scipy.special.roots_genlaguerre(11, -0.5) 
                         # give me sample points and weights for a Gauss-generalized Laguerre 
                         # quadrature (this could also optionally be derived from lower level function)
(array([ 0.05483987,  0.49517412,  1.38465574,  2.74191994,  4.5977377 ,
        6.99939747, 10.01890828, 13.76930587, 18.44111968, 24.40196124,
       32.59498009]), array([8.87090453e-01, 5.73942866e-01, 2.38204722e-01, 6.22807418e-02,
       9.95679867e-03, 9.29770102e-04, 4.73102571e-05, 1.17685751e-06,
       1.19339820e-08, 3.48867802e-11, 1.23343668e-14]))

rnburn avatar May 01 '24 22:05 rnburn

A quick git grep indicates that we only have standard Laguerre and associated Laguerre. I do like the idea of adding them; though I might wish the user to form the companion matrix in (say) Eigen to get the roots . . .

It would appear we do have support for confluent hypergeometrics; would that work for root recovery?

NAThompson avatar May 02 '24 01:05 NAThompson

The polynomial could be evaluated for small arguments via:

template <class T>
T generalized_laguerre(unsigned n, T alpha, T x)
   return (boost::math::rising_factorial(alpha + 1, n) / boost::math::factorial<T>(n)) * boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1(-T(n), alpha + 1, x);

But for large arguments that would quickly explode :(

For the roots, I would be more inclined to figure out the coefficients of the polynomial and feed those into Eigen or similar library.

jzmaddock avatar May 02 '24 11:05 jzmaddock

@jzmaddock : I've had this code for polynomial rootfinding lying around:

#if __has_include(<Eigen/Eigenvalues>)
  template<typename Real=CoefficientType>
  [[nodiscard]] std::vector<std::complex<Real>> roots() const {
    if (c_.size() == 1) {
      return std::vector<std::complex<Real>>();
    // There is a temptation to split off the linear and quadratic case, since
    // they are so easy. Resist the temptation! Your best unit tests will become
    // tautological.
    std::size_t n = c_.size() - 1;
    Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> C(n, n);
    C << Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>::Zero(n,n);
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      // Remember the class invariant c_.back() != 0?
      // Reaping blessings right here y'all:
      C(i, n - 1) = -c_[i] / c_.back();
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
      C(i + 1, i) = 1;
    Eigen::EigenSolver<decltype(C)> es;
    es.compute(C, /*computeEigenvectors=*/ false);
    auto info =;
    if (info != Eigen::ComputationInfo::Success) {
      std::ostringstream oss;
      oss << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __func__ << ": Eigen's eigensolver did not succeed.";
      switch (info) {
        case Eigen::ComputationInfo::NumericalIssue:
          oss << " Problem: numerical issue.";
        case Eigen::ComputationInfo::NoConvergence:
          oss << " Problem: no convergence.";
        case Eigen::ComputationInfo::InvalidInput:
          oss << " Problem: Invalid input.";
          oss << " Problem: Unknown.";
      throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
    // Don't want to expose Eigen types to the rest of the world:
    auto eigen_zeros = es.eigenvalues();
    std::vector<std::complex<Real>> zeros(eigen_zeros.size());
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < zeros.size(); ++i) {
      zeros[i] = eigen_zeros[i];
    return zeros;

Would it make sense to add it to the boost polynomial class now that we have __has_include support?

@rnburn : Not sure you were interested in getting a bunch of random code snippets but feel free to use if it helps you . . .

NAThompson avatar May 02 '24 14:05 NAThompson

Would it make sense to add it to the boost polynomial class now that we have __has_include support?

Sure, but I'll let you figure out the tests ;)

jzmaddock avatar May 02 '24 17:05 jzmaddock