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switch statement case label has only `int` template argument

Open schaumb opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

Before gcc9, if a template argument is an integral value, no compiler error/warning generated when the specified value is bigger than the integral value MAX.

This leads the following runtime issue:

#include <iostream>

#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/switch.hpp>

int main() {
    using namespace boost;
    using namespace boost::lambda;
        case_statement<2147483648>(std::cout << constant("big")),
        default_statement(std::cout << constant("other"))
    )(2147483648); // prints 'other'
    // static_cast<int>(2147483648) is OK

This issue prone working can be eliminated in any following way:

  • replace case_statement template argument from int to uintmax_t or intmax_t or any bigger than int. This solves that not only int parameters can be accepted in later gcc's and clang too.
  • switch_statement lambda accepts/casts argument int. This solves type safety.
  • some other template magic, where at case statement can be set the acceptable integral type, and switch statement recognizes, and uses common_type to casts lambda parameter to that.

schaumb avatar Jul 27 '20 10:07 schaumb