json copied to clipboard
boost.json on windows is crashed when read json file
My developement environment as following: System: windows 10 pro C++ Compiler: vs2019 16.11.15 Build boost 1.79 by used to C++ Standard 14 on vs2019 16.11.15
Below codes will be crashed if build it and switch /std::c++20 in boost 1.79 but work well switch to /std::c++14 and /std::c++17
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/json.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
#include <boost/describe.hpp>
namespace json = boost::json;
json::value readJson( std::istream& is, json::error_code& ec )
json::stream_parser p;
for(std::string line; std::getline( is, line ); )
p.write( line, ec );
if (ec)
return nullptr;
p.finish( ec );
if (ec)
return nullptr;
return p.release();
void writeJson( std::ostream& os, json::value const& jv, std::string* indent = nullptr )
std::string indent_;
if(! indent)
indent = &indent_;
case json::kind::object:
os << "{\n";
indent->append(4, ' ');
auto const& obj = jv.get_object();
if(! obj.empty())
auto it = obj.begin();
os << *indent << json::serialize(it->key()) << " : ";
writeJson(os, it->value(), indent);
if(++it == obj.end())
os << ",\n";
os << "\n";
indent->resize(indent->size() - 4);
os << *indent << "}";
case json::kind::array:
os << "[\n";
indent->append(4, ' ');
auto const& arr = jv.get_array();
if(! arr.empty())
auto it = arr.begin();
os << *indent;
writeJson( os, *it, indent);
if(++it == arr.end())
os << ",\n";
os << "\n";
indent->resize(indent->size() - 4);
os << *indent << "]";
case json::kind::string:
os << json::serialize(jv.get_string());
case json::kind::uint64:
os << jv.get_uint64();
case json::kind::int64:
os << jv.get_int64();
case json::kind::double_:
os << jv.get_double();
case json::kind::bool_:
os << "true";
os << "false";
case json::kind::null:
os << "null";
os << "\n";
template<class T>
void extract( json::object const & obj, char const * name, T & value )
value = json::value_to<T>( obj.at( name ) );
typename T,
typename D1 = boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_public | boost::describe::mod_protected>,
typename D2 = boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_private>,
typename En = std::enable_if_t<boost::mp11::mp_empty<D2>::value>
T tag_invoke( json::value_to_tag<T> const&, json::value const& v )
auto const& obj = v.as_object();
T t{};
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<D1>([&](auto D)
extract( obj, D.name, t.*D.pointer );
return t;
typename T,
typename D1 = boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_public | boost::describe::mod_protected>,
typename D2 = boost::describe::describe_members<T, boost::describe::mod_private>,
typename En = std::enable_if_t<boost::mp11::mp_empty<D2>::value>
void tag_invoke( json::value_from_tag const&, json::value& v, T const & t )
auto& obj = v.emplace_object();
boost::mp11::mp_for_each<D1>([&](auto D)
obj[ D.name ] = json::value_from( t.*D.pointer );
class JsonFile
template <typename T>
static void loadJsonFile(const std::string file, T& info)
std::ifstream inFile(file, std::ios::in);
json::error_code ec;
auto val = readJson(inFile, ec);
if (ec)
throw json::system_error(ec, "read json file error:");
info = json::value_to<T>(val);
catch (std::exception&)
template <typename T>
static void saveJsonFile(const std::string file, const T& info)
std::ofstream outFile(file, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
auto jv = boost::json::value_from(info);
writeJson(outFile, jv);
catch (std::exception&)
struct OBACmd
std::string command;
friend bool operator<(const OBACmd& lValue, const OBACmd& rValue)
return lValue.command < rValue.command;
struct OBAInfo
std::map<OBACmd, std::deque<OBACmd>> cmdinfo;
void loadFile()
std::deque<OBAInfo> obaInfo;
JsonFile::loadJsonFile("./conf.json", obaInfo);
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cout << "read error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
void saveFile()
OBACmd s1 = {"key"};
OBACmd s2 = {"value"};
OBAInfo a1;
a1.cmdinfo.emplace(s1, std::deque<OBACmd>{s2});
std::deque<OBAInfo> obaInfo = {a1};
JsonFile::saveJsonFile("./conf.json", obaInfo);
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
int main()
std::cout << "save done" << std::endl;
std::cout << "read done" << std::endl;
Content of json file is here:
"cmdinfo" : [
"command" : "key"
"command" : "value"
output in C++20:
save done
read error: not an object
read done
output in C++14/17:
save done
read done
BTW: In boost 1.78, use same develpment environment this codes is work well whether it's switch to /std::c++20 or /std::c++14 or /std::c++17
So, the issue is that conversion of your types do not round trips in C++20. See this: https://godbolt.org/z/zo5GedabM
Four asserts fail in C++17, but 3 fail in C++20. What this means is that in C++17 your std::map<OBACmd, std::deque<OBACmd>>
is serialized and parsed as an array, but in C++20 it is serialized as an array, but parser expects an object. IIRC, this is because there are improvements to aggregates' construction in C++20.
The reason this worked with a previous version of the library is because in version 1.79 we switched to a different implementation of string_view
I don't think this is something we can fix in Boost.JSON. You can change your type OBACmd
to conform to our requirements for keys of maps (so that the map would serialize as an object). In a future release we will very likely make the traits more restrictive, so that your run-time error would become a compile-time error.
thank you for detailed replay
I think it is defect due to switched to C++20, will I close it after you change run-time error to compiler-time error when upgrade to C++20? I can't imagine what JSON looks like after use structure to key in std::map and it seems hard to change the code in order to comform to your requirements for keys of maps (so that the map would serialize as an object)
After I deeply reseach the implementation of boost::core::string_view and boost::json::value_to, I found structure OBACmd is serialized and parsed as key of maps in json is not what I want, because others member would be missed in seriaized to json format if there is others member in strucure OBACmd, for example
struct OBACmd
std::string command;
string others;
operator boost::json::string_view() const
return command;
friend bool operator<(const OBACmd& lValue, const OBACmd& rValue)
return lValue.command < rValue.command;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(OBACmd, (), (command, others))
struct OBAInfo
std::map<OBACmd, std::deque<OBACmd>> cmdinfo;
Althought above OBACmd can be successully serialized to keys of map in json, but member others in OBACmd would be missed in json file, in other words, member others in OBACmd will not be save in json file, so std::map<OBACmd, std::deque<OBACmd>> is serialized and parsed as an array in C++20 is what I expected, my objective is to make compile-call std::is_constructible<OBACmd, boost::json::string_view>::value is false in C++20, I found following three ways can be achieve this goal
- Full specialization template class std::is_constructible, but this way will insert customization template into namespace std:
namespace std {
std::is_constructible<const OBACmd, boost::json::string_view> : std::false_type{};
but I think this way is ugly
- Add dummy member as first member to OBACmd to stop to implicit conversion from boost::json::string_view to OBACmd, but I think it's a bit hard to understand and changed the memory alignment as a useless member:
struct OBACmd
char dummy;
std::string command;
string others;
friend bool operator<(const OBACmd& lValue, const OBACmd& rValue)
return lValue.command < rValue.command;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(OBACmd, (), (command, others))
- By declare explicit default constructor to disable implicit conversion, but it's also disabled aggregates construction, so need to customized aggregates construction:
struct OBACmd
explicit OBACmd() = default;
explicit OBACmd(std::initializer_list<std::string> ls)
auto it = ls.begin();
command = *it;
others = std::next(it); // OBACmd a{"ab", "cd"}; can be work
std::string command;
string others;
friend bool operator<(const OBACmd& lValue, const OBACmd& rValue)
return lValue.command < rValue.command;
BOOST_DESCRIBE_STRUCT(OBACmd, (), (command, others))
I don't know if there are more ways to disable this implicit conversion behavior in C++20
As I've said previously, in a future release (probably 1.81) we will make the traits more restrictive, so your case will start working again in C++20. In addition we do plan to allow users to explicitly disable particular matches for their types.