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Loss of precision during serialization/parsing plain double ?
I'm starting to implement some serialization tools with Boost.Json but I've got some precision issues with double values. To demonstrate this "potential" issue, you will find hereafter a code snippet to reproduce it:
#include <boost/json.hpp>
namespace bjs = boost::json;
static double ref_values[] = {
, -161.68713249779881
, 267.04251495962637};
std::string s;
const bjs::value jv = {
ref_values[0] , ref_values[1], ref_values[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
s = serialize(jv);
double values[3] = {};
const auto jv{bjs::parse(s)};
values[0] = jv.as_array().at(0).as_double();
values[1] = jv.as_array().at(1).as_double();
values[2] = jv.as_array().at(2).as_double();
static constexpr auto eps{std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()};
BOOST_TEST(std::abs(ref_values[0] - values[0]) <= eps);
BOOST_TEST(std::abs(ref_values[1] - values[1]) <= eps);
BOOST_TEST(std::abs(ref_values[2] - values[2]) <= eps);
When I compiling and running this code w/ Boost 1.75 and Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.2 (VS 2019) / Windows 10, I've got the following output:
"bjson_double_serialize_ut": check std::abs(ref_values[0] - values[0]) <= eps has failed [2.2737367544323206e-13 > 2.2204460492503131e-16] "bjson_double_serialize_ut": check std::abs(ref_values[2] - values[2]) <= eps has failed [5.6843418860808015e-14 > 2.2204460492503131e-16]
From my point of view, I'm expecting to get a tolerance equal or inf. to my "double machine epsilon". Is this correct and how can I address it?
After some iterations, the first version of my unit test passes w/ Boost 1.76 and fails w/ 1.75. But maybe the issue of loss of precision during serialization/parsing is not fully addressed w/ Boost 1.76 because this new unit test hereafter (more exhaustive) is failing w/ Boost 1.76:
static const std::vector ref_values = {
, -0.42448451824686562
, 0.057166336253381224
, 1217.2772861138403
, -161.68713249779881
, 267.04251495962637
, -0.66615716744854903
, -0.80918535242172396
, 0.29123256908034584
, 2137.0241926849581
, -599.61476423470071
, 1002.9111801605201
, -1.4239725866123634
, -1.0346132515963697
, 0.90790798114618365
, 2535.2404973980229
, -1207.1290929173115
, 2028.379668845469
, -2.2996584528580817
, -0.90521880279912548
, 1.6449616573025234
, 2314.9160231072947
, -1836.2705293282695
, 3093.6759124836558
, -2.7781953227473752
, -0.54944860097807424
, 1.9702410871568496
, 1529.7366713650281
, -2333.8061352785221
, 3939.3529821428001
, -3.0696620243882053
, -0.13139419714747352
, 2.0689802496328444
, 370.91535570754445
, -2578.5523049665962
, 4359.4347976947429
, 2.9538186832340876
, 0.29606564516163103
, 2.0456322162820761
, -879.28776788268817
, -2510.8913760620435
, 4251.6098535812462
namespace bjs = boost::json;
bjs::array arr;
for(const auto v: ref_values)
const auto s{serialize(arr)};
std::vector<double> values{};
const auto jv{bjs::parse(s)};
for(const auto& item: jv.as_array())
BOOST_REQUIRE(std::size(ref_values) == std::size(values));
static constexpr auto eps{std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()};
for(size_t i{}, size{std::size(ref_values)}; i < size; ++i) {
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("checking value #" << i);
BOOST_TEST(std::abs(ref_values[i] - values[i]) <= eps);
Here is my output w/ Boost.Json 1.76 on a Windows box (Win10) and Visual C++ 19.16.27045:
F:\TFS\Dev\Program\UnitTests\Photogrammetry_ut\nview_sensor_desc_serialize_ut.cpp(82): Entering test case "bjson_double_serialize_ut"
checking value #0
checking value #1
checking value #2
checking value #3
checking value #4
checking value #5
checking value #6
checking value #7
checking value #8
checking value #9
checking value #10
checking value #11
error: in "bjson_double_serialize_ut": check std::abs(ref_values[i] - values[i]) <= eps has failed [1.1368683772161603e-13 > 2.2204460492503131e-16]
checking value #12
checking value #13
checking value #14
checking value #15
checking value #16
error: in "bjson_double_serialize_ut": check std::abs(ref_values[i] - values[i]) <= eps has failed [2.2737367544323206e-13 > 2.2204460492503131e-16]
checking value #17
checking value #18
checking value #19
checking value #20
checking value #21
checking value #22
checking value #23
checking value #24
checking value #25
checking value #26
checking value #27
checking value #28
checking value #29
checking value #30
checking value #31
checking value #32
checking value #33
error: in "bjson_double_serialize_ut": check std::abs(ref_values[i] - values[i]) <= eps has failed [5.6843418860808015e-14 > 2.2204460492503131e-16]
checking value #34
error: in "bjson_double_serialize_ut": check std::abs(ref_values[i] - values[i]) <= eps has failed [4.5474735088646412e-13 > 2.2204460492503131e-16]
checking value #35
checking value #36
checking value #37
checking value #38
checking value #39
checking value #40
checking value #41
I think this issue deserves further attention. We are also experiencing a small noise when parsing doubles from a json string and although the differences tend to be extremely small in the order of 10e-12 or less, it becomes a problem when trying to compare expected outputs to calculated data. We currently write various complex quantitative models, and one way of comparing the exactness of the model is by testing its output against a pre-validated set of numbers. Previously we were using boost::property_tree
and we didn't have this issue. After switching to boost::json
we noticed that most of our integration tests were failing because of these discrepancies. Are there any plans of addressing this? Note also that the serialization seems to be ok, only the parsing back to double seems to be lacking precision.
Hi, would it be possible to get an time estimate on a fix for this?
This is a problem and it will be addressed. No time estimate yet, but hopefully within the next Boost release.
Testing against an absolute epsilon isn't quite correct, because the precision of double
varies depending on its magnitude.
My testing shows that for these test numbers the error is within 1 ULP
The values that fail this test are
>eps: 1002.91118016052 0x1.f574a18d2f195p+9, 1002.91118016052 0x1.f574a18d2f194p+9
>eps: -1207.129092917311 -0x1.2dc8430ef07fep+10, -1207.129092917312 -0x1.2dc8430ef07ffp+10
>eps: 370.9153557075444 0x1.72ea54c06c1c4p+8, 370.9153557075445 0x1.72ea54c06c1c5p+8
>eps: -2578.552304966596 -0x1.4251ac7b771e6p+11, -2578.552304966596 -0x1.4251ac7b771e5p+11
and the error for all of these is one bit, which is the same precision rapidjson has in its normal (non-precise) mode.
we need the thing
Hi, any ideas when this issue can be addressed?
The imprecision is one bit. We currently don't have immediate plans for "extra precise" mode.
It's in the order of 1e-12 or less (see sample code from @marc-viala) and also based on our observations. So I would assume more than 1 bit...and ultimately 1 bit can make quite a difference depending where it's at. However it's not about extra-precise mode vs regular mode, its about printing X and reading back Y. This prevents usage of this library for validating important data. If there's always some delta between what goes in and what comes out, it's a problem because you can no longer tell if it's boost json's fault or some error in the data. The other json boost lib doesn't have this issue, but it's not as nice to use. Hence the necessity to fix this IMO.
Yes we need to make sure that we are bitwise perfect on floating point conversions
Well, your assumption is wrong. It's one bit, I checked it. The issue is that the values you use exceed IEEE double's guaranteed precision (they have 17 decimal digits, whereas only 15 are guaranteed). So, first of all, I am sceptical of you actually needing that precision, because even though some numbers with 17 decimal digits can be represented with double, most can't.
Second, our parsing implementation is written with the focus on this limitation of floating point numbers. In order to support numbers that have more decimal digits we need to fallback to a slower, but more tolerant number parsing function (like std::strtod). The problem is that our parser works with partial inputs, while strtod does not. This means that introducing such a fallback is not as trivial as one would think. That's why there are no immediate plans to tackle this issue, as we first need to finish with the stuff we've already been doing. But as @vinniefalco commented above, we will return to this at some point.
The problem again is not precision, it is round tripping
Hi - I am not sure this is necessarily a bug related to the number of significant figures: Consider the following (using Boost 1.79.0 via nuget MS Visual Studio 2022) :
std::string x = "{\"EUR\":1.185876}";
boost::json::value y = boost::json::parse(x);
std::cout << y.at_pointer("/EUR") << std::endl;
std::cout << y.at_pointer("/EUR").as_double() << std::endl;
I hope this helps
The default precision of std::cout is 6 digits, which is why you get 1.18588 printed.
The default precision of std::cout is 6 digits, which is why you get 1.18588 printed.
Thank you - was not aware of that (on my environment its actually 5 dp not 6 for info):
Hi, I am facing also this issue since my migration from rapidjson to boost json. This is really blocking due to failing unit tests. Do you have a workaround to suggest meanwhile? (patching boost json source is also ok).
Can you give an example of a failing test, so that I can confirm that this is indeed a minfestation of this issue?
In order to be complete, the production code was using rapidjson, while unit tests were using json_spirit. The migration of production code from rapidjson to boost json makes the unit tests failing. Migrating unit tests from json_spirit to boost json resolved unit tests.
Note about the unit test:
An internal object is converted to boost json and serialized into a string.
Note also that double values are only initialized and does not result from any computations.
Initial internal initialization (subpart): MobilityInfo{ std::chrono::milliseconds{11000}, 5.0, 215.5, {}, 5.5, 302.7, 85.2, 15.9, 12.3, 123.4, { } }
The resulting string is parsed by json_spirit which compares it with the expected result being a spirit json value initialized with the corresponding values from the initial object. Keep in mind that the mix rapidjson/json_spirit works properly.
json_spirit initialization (subpart): { "timestamp", 11000 }, { "longitude", 5.0 }, { "latitude", 215.5 }, { "altitude", json_spirit::mValue::null }, { "skewAngle", 5.5 }, { "heading", 302.7 }, { "speed", 85.2 }, { "yaw", 15.9 }, { "pitch", 12.3 }, { "roll", 123.4 }
Here follows an example of failing unit test:
- Expected: {"activeBeam":"beam1","beams":{"beam1":{"reported":"Unlocked","requ
- Actual : {"activeBeam":"beam1","beams":{"beam1":{"reported":"Unlocked","requ
You can observe small deviation for latitude, speed, yaw
Thank you.
For your example I get this string:
Are you sure you are using Boost.JSON and not something else? Some people confuse Boost.JSON with Boost.PropertyTree.
@grisumbras , Failing unit test uses json_spirit to verify that the serialisation by boost::json is correct. This explains why you see a different output format. As mentioned above, migrating unit tests to use boost::json instead makes them passed.
I don't understand your issue, then.
So, #890 technically fixed this, but I'll keep the issue open until we are able to use a faster implementation than strtod.
Thanks for taking in consideration this bug and for the follow-up.
Now that #905 was merged, this was properly fixed.