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compress versus fold

Open viboes opened this issue 8 years ago • 29 comments

There are two variants of fold, left associative versus right.

What about naming them fold_left and fold_right?

Given an adaptor that results in a variadic function as compress

compress:: F A -> (B.... -> A)

we could define it by using a function having a tuple as parameter

compress(f, z)(xs...) = fold(f, z, forward_as_tuple(xs...))

I believe that we have already this kind of fold fuctions in Hana.

So given

fold: F A H -> A 

partial(fold, F, A) would almost behave like compress except that partial(fold, F A) takes a tuple as parameter and compress takes a variadic number of arguments. So we can see compress something like

compress(f, a) = compose(partial(fold, f, a), forward_as_tuple)

I'm not saying that compress is not useful, even if the name has not too much relation to what is behind the scenes. I would say that it could be a useful shortcut when the user doesn't has already a sequence or a tuple.

Of course, in C++ we don't want to pay more than needed, so the implementation should be more efficient than using the right hand side.

It would be fanny to have some performance measures. This is micro-benchmarking, but having the figures would help the user to understand the trade-offs.

viboes avatar Oct 04 '15 09:10 viboes

fit::compress doesn't use sequences, but if you want to do fold over a sequence, you can simply do unpack(compress(f))(seq).

pfultz2 avatar Oct 05 '15 06:10 pfultz2

My concern is that we have a lot of functions that work already on tuples.

f :: F T TUPLE -> T

For each function like that we can propose a function

vf :: F T T... -> T

and also

cf :: F T -> (T... -> T)

I would like that we have just a function and that we use adaptor to have the other interfaces.

viboes avatar Oct 05 '15 22:10 viboes

My concern is that we have a lot of functions that work already on tuples.

There are no functions in Fit that work on tuples except fit::unpack. What are you referring to?

For each function like that we can propose a function

Im sorry, I don't understand your notation at all.

I would like that we have just a function and that we use adaptor to have the other interfaces.

I don't understand what you are suggesting still, but if you are suggesting that Fit should have a fold for tuples, I think that is beyond the scope of Fit. Instead, you should look to using either Boost.Hana, or my Hero library(its still a WIP) which already implements fold for heterogeneous sequences.

pfultz2 avatar Oct 05 '15 22:10 pfultz2

It is independently from where the function having an heterogeneous signature comes from.

Do we want to have 3 variant for each one of these functions or have only one and just adaptors to move from one to the other.


f :: A B -> C
f :: A B... -> C

I mean a function with two arguments A and B and having as result a type C


g :: A B... -> C

The type B is variadic

viboes avatar Oct 06 '15 00:10 viboes

I mean a function with two arguments A and B and having as result a type C

So a function like this:

template<class A, class B>
C foo(A a, B b);

The type B is variadic

So you mean this:

template<class A, class... Bs>
C foo(A a, Bs... bs);

So are you suggesting that compress have a signature like this?

template<class F, class... States>
constexpr compress_adaptor<F, States...> compress(F f, States... s);

pfultz2 avatar Oct 09 '15 20:10 pfultz2

Not at all. I'm saying that given a function that works on sequences, e.g. fold

fold :: (A,B)->A A Seq<B> -> A

we can always create another partial function that results in a function having the sequence as parameter

partial_fold :: (A,B)->A -> A -> Seq<B> -> A 

partial_fold is almost equivalent to partial(fold),

and that this function taking a sequence as parameter can be seen as a variadic function

compress :: (A,B)->A A -> B... -> A 

compress(f,z) is equivalent to unpack(partial(fold, f, z)),

After some time a user can understand the coherency of pack/unpack and partial. The user knows already what fold does. I believe that It is more difficult to make the association between compress and fold if we see only the names. I'm wondering if the name fold shouldn't be part of the function you name compress , e.g. variadic_partial_fold.

Note also that we have fold left and fold right, should we have compress_left and compress_right?

pack(xs...) | partial(fold, f, z)

pack(xs...) | partial(fold_left, f, z)
pack(xs...) | partial(fold_right, f, z)

Each time I think of fold I think of folding something, I have already a sequence and so I would need to unpack compress

` unpack(compress(f,z))(seq)'

Do you have concrete examples where the user has T... and not a sequence?

I'm wondering if unpack shouldn't take a function and possibly other arguments so that

unpack(f, xs...)(zs...) <=> f(xs..., pack(ys))

and so

compress(f,z) <=> unpack(fold, f, z)

This gives us the choice between

compress(f, z)(xs...)


unpack(fold, f, z)(xs...)
partial(fold, f, z)(seq)

So the question is, would we need compress if we had foldand the previous unpack? IMHO, unpack(fold, f, z)(xs...) is easier to learn than compress(f, z)(xs...) with the bonus that we have also

unpack(fold_left, f, z)(xs...)
unpack(fold_right, f, z)(xs...)
partial(fold_left, f, z)(seq)
partial(fold_right, f, z)(seq)

viboes avatar Oct 10 '15 02:10 viboes

Do you have concrete examples where the user has T... and not a sequence?

There are a lot of examples. Creating variadiac and_ function(which is useful due to lack of fold expressions):

FIT_STATIC_FUNCTION(and_) = compress(_ and _);

Creating a varidiac max function:

FIT_STATIC_LAMBDA_FUNCTION(vmax) = compress(FIT_LIFT(std::max));

Furthermore, fold over a sequence would require using compress:

FIT_STATIC_LAMBDA_FUNCTION(fold) = [](auto&& sequence, auto f)
    return fit::unpack(fit::compress(f))(std::forward<decltype(sequence)>(sequence));

I'm wondering if unpack shouldn't take a function and possibly other arguments so that

You can already do that with fit::capture:

unpack(capture(f, xs...))(zs...) <=> f(xs..., pack(ys))

Except, I don't understand the pack(ys) part. unpack takes multiple sequences to unpack. So you can do this:

assert(3 == unpack(_+_)(std::make_tuple(1), std::make_tuple(2));

Since it unpacks multiple sequences, tuple_cat can be implemented using unpack:

FIT_STATIC_FUNCTION(tuple_cat) = unpack(construct<std::tuple>());

Finally, this post here explains in further detail how to implement basic algorithms over tuples and sequences using the Fit library. However, a heterogeneous sequence library is beyond the scope of the Fit library. I want to keep the library focused on functions and not sequences.

pfultz2 avatar Oct 25 '15 23:10 pfultz2

I agree with keeping the library focused on functions. Nevertheless, I believe that including some references to fold could help the user to understand what is behind, and that in the case of variadics this interface could even be more efficient.

What if clear to you it is not always clear to others.

viboes avatar Mar 01 '16 00:03 viboes

What is wrong renaming compress to fold?

viboes avatar Mar 05 '16 13:03 viboes

I mainly did this to avoid confusing it with fold done over a sequence.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 05 '16 17:03 pfultz2

Yes, but compress is doing just the same on the sequence of pack parameters. Does this need another name?

viboes avatar Mar 05 '16 21:03 viboes

Well, if later I decide as an extension to add some basic algorithms for sequences, I wouldn't be able to call it fold.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 05 '16 22:03 pfultz2

Is this something you plan to do?

ldionne avatar Mar 05 '16 23:03 ldionne

The signature will be different, isn't it?

viboes avatar Mar 05 '16 23:03 viboes

What I'm asking is simply whether adding algorithms on sequences is something Paul has in mind.

ldionne avatar Mar 05 '16 23:03 ldionne

I am not planning on it currently, however, I don't want to close the door to the possibility.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 05 '16 23:03 pfultz2

IMHO, if you're not realistically planning on it, then fold is a much better name than compress. And if you were planning on it realistically, I would argue that keeping the scope of the library small (function objects only) is better.

ldionne avatar Mar 06 '16 00:03 ldionne

If its called fold then fold for a sequence would look like this:

FIT_STATIC_LAMBDA_FUNCTION(fold) = [](auto&& sequence, auto f)
    return fit::unpack(fit::fold(f))(std::forward<decltype(sequence)>(sequence));

I think the double fold looks a little strange. I wonder if theres a better name. Also, compress could be implemented in terms of compose:

auto compress = [](auto f) 
    return by(partial(f), compose);

However, we can't implement a fix point combinator using fit::reverse_compress. At least, I don't see how.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 15 '16 20:03 pfultz2

If its called fold then fold for a sequence would look like this: [...] I think the double fold looks a little strange.

I don't think it looks strange, actually I think it highlights the fact that fit::compress is really a fold. Of course this is "just" naming, but I think it would be wrong to introduce another completely unknown term for something that's effectively a fold.

ldionne avatar Mar 15 '16 21:03 ldionne

The fold for a sequence should has the signature : function, sequence, not sequence, function.

One of the major problems with the library is that the arguments are not constrained. The behavior of compress(f)/fold(f) should depend on the type of the argument x

assert(compress(f)(x) == x);
assert(compress(f)(x, y, xs...) == compress(f)(f(x, y), xs...));

if x is a sequence, it should be defined as a fold on a sequence.

The fact that your compress has been curried, forces the decision of the behavior to be done only when the parameter are available.

Note that I'm not saying that your library must define fold for sequences.

viboes avatar Mar 15 '16 22:03 viboes

The fold for a sequence should has the signature : function, sequence, not sequence, function.

In C++ its always defined with the sequence first. Even Hana defines it that way.

if x is a sequence, it should be defined as a fold on a sequence.

Auto unpacking sequences can have unexpected surprises especially in generic code, so I would like to avoid such cleverness.

The fact that your compress has been curried, forces the decision of the behavior to be done only when the parameter are available.

I don't understand. The uncurried version would make the same decision when the parameter is available.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 15 '16 22:03 pfultz2

I don't think it looks strange, actually I think it highlights the fact that fit::compress is really a fold.

However, it will never be Foldable in the Hana sense.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 15 '16 22:03 pfultz2

Yes, I know that a lot of libraries define fold as sequence, function. I believe however this is subject to discussion. As your library show, when the parameter of the function are the sequence we must place the function before. Of course Haskell place the function before :)

It is not auto unpacking, it is about the type of the function. If the function takes the sequence as argument, fold should not unpack, but if the function takes the element of a sequence then is must unpack.

The uncurried version could make the decision on the definition of the fold function. The curried one must transfer this responsibility to the result of fold.

You are right that parameter packs, as they are not a type can not be taken for a Hana::Foldable. However we can extend the Foldable concept to take care of parameter packs.

At the end we are in C++.

viboes avatar Mar 15 '16 22:03 viboes

It is not auto unpacking, it is about the type of the function. If the function takes the sequence as argument, fold should not unpack, but if the function takes the element of a sequence then is must unpack.

That seems backwards. Why would it not unpack if it were a sequence? The fold becomes pointless without unpacking the sequence first. I thought you would want to fold over a sequence, if its given a sequence. Something like this:

auto fold = [](auto f, auto... xs)
        if_(and_(is_unpackable<decltype(xs)>()...)(compose(unpack, compress)),

So then you could write fold(_+_, 1, 2, 3) and it will give you 6, and you could write fold(_+_, make_tuple(1, 2, 3)) and it will give you six as well. However, I think this is a bad, and can lead to a lot of surprises.

You are right that parameter packs, as they are not a type can not be taken for a Hana::Foldable. However we can extend the Foldable concept to take care of parameter packs.

No it can't be extended. There is no way to distinguish a variadiac pack of one from a sequence. That is, which is a std::tuple<int>? Is it a variadiac pack of just one tuple? or is it a sequence of one integer? There is no way to know for sure what the semantics are unless you have the user explicity add what it is(such as fold<sequence>(f, std::tuple<int>(5)) or fold<variadiac>(f, std::tuple<int>(5))). And that is beyond the scope what the Fit library does.

I would rather focus on the semantics that compress provides and not confuse it with other concepts such as Foldable. However, I do fear that naming it fold could lead users to that confusion(as this discussion seems to demonstrate).

Perhaps, a name like reduce might be better, as many are familiar with the concept of reduce from other languages. Although it is generally associated with parallel algorithms in C++. I am not quite sure it would cause quite so much confusion as fold would, since Fit is far from being a parallel algorithms library.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 15 '16 23:03 pfultz2

If you call it accumulate, everybody would understand, no? @tzlaine We're debating on whether fit::compress should be called fit::compress, fit::fold or something else. Do you have an opinion? I'm asking because your super duper pragmatism in terms of naming has been helpful to me in the past.

@viboes By the way, regarding the order of parameters:

  1. C++ always puts the function before, and consistency matters.

  2. The lack of automatic currying in C++ makes it not-so-useful to put the function first, since you can't do e.g. foldl (+) as you can in Haskell.

  3. Putting the function last makes it prettier when defining lambdas. Consider

      fold(sequence, state, [](auto x, auto y) {
         // something


      fold([](auto x, auto y) {
          // something
      }, state, sequence);

    I know which one I prefer.

ldionne avatar Mar 16 '16 14:03 ldionne

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Louis Dionne [email protected] wrote:

If you call it accumulate, everybody would understand, no?

Yes, but I think in the C++ community people would expect accumulate always to be numeric, and this is more generally useful. I think fold() and reverse_fold() tell everything you need to know. compress() will always require the uninitiated to immediately consult the documentation.

@viboes https://github.com/viboes By the way, regarding the order of parameters:

  1. C++ always puts the function before, and consistency matters.

  2. The lack of automatic currying in C++ makes it not-so-useful to put the function first, since you can't do e.g. foldl (+) as you can in Haskell. 3.

    Putting the function last makes it prettier when defining lambdas. Consider

    fold(sequence, state, [](auto x, auto y) { // something });


    fold([](auto x, auto y) { // something }, state, sequence);

    I know which one I prefer.



tzlaine avatar Mar 16 '16 15:03 tzlaine

Yes, but I think in the C++ community people would expect accumulate always to be numeric, and this is more generally useful. I think fold() and reverse_fold() tell everything you need to know.

Except that it could be a false cognate, as fit::fold will never be Foldable.

compress() will always require the uninitiated to immediately consult the documentation.

Perhaps there is another name that is not fold, that could be immediately obvious, as well. The alternative names listed for fold on wikipedia are:

  • reduce
  • accumulate
  • aggregate
  • compress
  • inject

pfultz2 avatar Mar 16 '16 17:03 pfultz2

Except that it could be a false cognate, as fit::fold will never be Foldable.

You never define Foldable in your library. As a user, why do I care that hana::Foldable exists and that it is different? At most this should warrant a note that indicates this in the docs.

tzlaine avatar Mar 16 '16 18:03 tzlaine

You never define Foldable in your library. As a user, why do I care that hana::Foldable exists and that it is different?

Because a user may use their understanding of hana::Foldable to use fit::fold, and there maybe a disconnect.

At most this should warrant a note that indicates this in the docs.

Thats probably the best option. Hopefully, the user will look at the docs.

pfultz2 avatar Mar 16 '16 18:03 pfultz2