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Explain when to use Poisson and when to use multinomial errors

Open HDembinski opened this issue 5 years ago • 18 comments

On 26. Sep 2018, at 15:16, a.hagen-zanker--- via Boost [email protected] wrote:

Sorry to get back to the issue of variance. I am unsure about the justification of choosing the variance based on the Poisson distribution instead of the binomial distribution.

My understanding is that the Poisson distribution is based on a distribution of a number of event given a continuous domain of opportunities (say a period of time). Whereas a binomial distribution is for a number of event for a discrete number of opportunities (say coin flips).

Both seem appropriate in some use cases. However, the histogram class has no sense of the passage of time, whereas it does know the number of discrete opportunities (every time operator () is called). And the typical use of histogram seems to be to distribute a given number of samples over the bins that they belong to.

So, would it not be more appropriate to estimate variance based on the binomial distribution?

the choice is between Poisson distribution and the multinomial distribution, and it is a bit subtle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multinomial_distribution Either can be correct, depending on the scenario.

Poisson is correct, for example, when you monitor a random process for a while which produces some value x at random points in time with a constant rate. You bin the outcomes, and then stop monitoring at an arbitrary point in time. This is the right way to model many physics experiments. It is also correct if you make a survey with a random number of participants, i.e. when you pass the survey to a large number of people without knowing beforehand how many are going to respond.

Multinomial is correct, when there is a predefined fixed number of events, each with a random exclusive outcome, and you bin those outcomes. The important point is that the number of events is fixed before the experiment is conducted. This is the main difference to the previous case, where the total of events is not known beforehand. This would be correct model, if you make a survey with a fixed number of participants which you invite explicitly and don't start the analysis before all have return the survey.

If you have many bins in your histogram, the difference between the two becomes negligible. The variance for a multinomial count is n p (1 - p) where p is the probability to fall into this bin. The variance for a Poissonian count is p n, if you write it in the same way. If you have many bins, then p << 1 and n p (1 - p) = n p + O(p^2).

HDembinski avatar Oct 01 '18 12:10 HDembinski

I think the problem lies with the naming of the variance(). There is no way for the histogram to know the underlying statistics of the "fill" calls given to the histogram by the user. Even _if_ we assume that the events are independent, there are still many possible statistics that can be out there. In my opinion, the solution for this issue is to rename variance() to poisson_variance(). This should help to encourage users to read the documentation and think about their specific use case. To answer the original question, the reason to have poisson_variance() is because it is easiest to implement estimators for. When we sum two histograms we rely on a fact that the sum of two Poisson-distributed variable is a Poisson-distributed variable, so that the information can be stored in the same kind of storage. This is not true for Multinomial distribution.

veprbl avatar Oct 01 '18 15:10 veprbl

variance was originally an attempt to avoid the technical name sumw2: sum of weights squared, which is literally true but far from a data analyst's interest. Would poisson_variance() be a correct name if the fills are weighted? (Which is the only case in which you care because it's the only case in which sumw2 is not equal to the counts.)

For the record, I thought that the switch from sumw2 to variance was great because of the focus on statistical meaning, though of course the library doesn't know the statistical model without assumptions.

jpivarski avatar Oct 01 '18 15:10 jpivarski

Would poisson_variance() be a correct name if the fills are weighted?

I think yes, because the poisson_ refers to statistics. The variance is still calculated correctly, so it is a poisson_variance().

@jpivarski, have you seen YODA histogramming package? They have sumW2(), variance along axes and they even have method that takes square root for you. I like that package because it teaches users how to handle their data properly, unlike ROOT where you can divide and subtract histograms and then still store them as histograms.

veprbl avatar Oct 01 '18 15:10 veprbl

@veprbl Yes, I've tried out the YODA package. They got their sumW2 naming convention from ROOT (and HBOOK before that). While this is technically accurate, I had been hoping we could go to more statistician-meaningful names, but perhaps actually calling it "variance" is putting in too many statistical assumptions.

jpivarski avatar Oct 01 '18 17:10 jpivarski

We seem to converge on poisson_variance(). I like that. It reads well and still conveys the idea that the variance could be computed in a different way.

By the way, the poisson_variance() should be called bootstrapped_poisson_variance(), because it is a variance estimate obtained by replacing the true unknown expectation value of the counts with the actually realized number of counts.

HDembinski avatar Oct 02 '18 10:10 HDembinski

I like that package because it teaches users how to handle their data properly, unlike ROOT where you can divide and subtract histograms and then still store them as histograms.

I second this. That's why you cannot subtract histograms in this library, only add them. Subtracting two histograms does not produce another histogram.

HDembinski avatar Oct 02 '18 10:10 HDembinski

degski on boost mailing list:

From what you are saying, and I have no knowledge at all in this matter [just reading what you say], it seems that a policy approach, to allow for both distributions, seems appropriate. Don't want to give you more work, but you just made the [that] point yourself.

HDembinski avatar Oct 02 '18 10:10 HDembinski

@HDembinski The only thing I was stating is that you seem to say there is some merit in using a Binomial Distribution in certain use-cases. This, therefor might warrant a policy (which can still be defaulted to a PD). Are there any other distributions [you can think of] that could have a valid use-case?

degski avatar Oct 02 '18 10:10 degski

@degski Strictly speaking, there are infinitely many ways to compute variance, because it depends on the details of the process that generated the data for the histogram. Strictly speaking, we should not compute variance estimates from histogram counts at all, because the variance is a property of the underlying random process, it cannot be obtained from the data. The best we can do is to provide variance estimates for simple common cases, which are approximately right, but should not be used for serious analysis anyway.

The only two simple cases are the Poisson-variance and the Multinomial-variance.

HDembinski avatar Oct 02 '18 11:10 HDembinski

The Poisson variance has the advantage that it can be computed individually for each point. The multinomial variance can only be computed by looking at all bins, since you must compute n and p in n* p *(1- p). This requires a global calculation.

So if we want anything other than the simple Poisson variance estimate, then we need a different facility than just a variance() method on the returned counter type.

HDembinski avatar Oct 02 '18 14:10 HDembinski

@HDembinski If you have many bins, then p << 1 and n p (1 - p) = n p + O(p^2).

This is often true, but not always. Even if you have many bins, one can be prevalent.

@HDembinski The multinomial variance can only be computed by looking at all bins

I see your point. So, calling it poisson_variance() and not implementing multinomial variance() seems sensible.

On the other hand, since variance cannot generally be considered a function of a single bin, you might prefer to make it a function of the histogram instead: h.poisson_variance(i), this would leave room to still implement h.multinomial_variance(i) later in a consistent manner.

ahhz avatar Oct 03 '18 12:10 ahhz

I like that package because it teaches users how to handle their data properly, unlike ROOT where you can divide and subtract histograms and then still store them as histograms.

I second this. That's why you cannot subtract histograms in this library, only add them. Subtracting two histograms does not produce another histogram.

I think it can, but only if you agree on preconditions: you can only subtract what has been added before. Perhaps retracting is a better term than subtracting. See my comment to issue #99

ahhz avatar Oct 03 '18 12:10 ahhz

I'm generally in favor of using histogram tools as histograms and other tools for other purposes (histograms are wildly abused: some users grab a histogram when they really want an array), but not allowing subtractions sounds a little prescriptive in an environment that allows negative weights. In this environment, "subtract" is just shorthand for "use negative weights and add" or "multiply by a negative scalar and add" (can you multiply by negative scalars?).

Maybe if the histogram was declared without weights, or if it's in a mode where only positive weights are allowed (which would enable stable weighted mean and variance for profile plots), then excluding subtraction would ensure that the bin contents never go negative (an invariant needed for that stable weighted mean and variance). However, the feedback I got from Histogrammar was that negative weights are absolutely essential for pseudodata from some Monte Carlo generators. Then if you've got 'em, you've automatically got subtraction whether you like it or not.

jpivarski avatar Oct 03 '18 12:10 jpivarski

On the other hand, since variance cannot generally be considered a function of a single bin, you might prefer to make it a function of the histogram instead: h.poisson_variance(i), this would leave room to still implement h.multinomial_variance(i) later in a consistent manner.

What would be the value of such consistency?

veprbl avatar Oct 03 '18 15:10 veprbl

What would be the value of such consistency?

Easing the learning curve of working with the library

ahhz avatar Oct 03 '18 15:10 ahhz

since variance cannot generally be considered a function of a single bin, you might prefer to make it a function of the histogram instead: h.poisson_variance(i), this would leave room to still implement h.multinomial_variance(i) later in a consistent manner.

This specific proposal does not work, for several reasons:

  • multinomial_variance(i) would need to cache the global variable n, the total number of all bin counts; caching is bad
  • It violates the orthogonal design of the library: the methods are only valid if the bin counts are integral numbers, but the library shall also support sum of weights, sum of samples (profiles), and perhaps even arbitrary Boost.Accumulators.

Instead, there should be a poisson_variance_view and multinomial_variance_view in the support library. These structs hold a pointer to the histogram and compute variances. Global variables like n are computed once at the time of construction.

HDembinski avatar Oct 03 '18 20:10 HDembinski

Sounds good, how would it work? Something like below?

auto view =multinomial_variance_view(h);
auto stat = view.multinomial_variance(i);

ahhz avatar Oct 03 '18 22:10 ahhz

Yes, but as a functor.

auto view = multinomial_variance_view(h);
auto stat = view(i, j, k);

HDembinski avatar Oct 04 '18 16:10 HDembinski