geometry copied to clipboard
polygon/ring self-intersection correct
I have developed a polygon correct approach (remove self-intersection, correct order, correct inners), based on boost geometry:
The approach for calculating and removing self-intersection is vastly simpler and more efficient than existing libraries. It was developed for tilemaker:
But it might be useful for including in boost geometry as well
Hi and thanks for this proposal!
I think that a function removing self-intersections should be a part of the library.
AFAIK @barendgehrels was working on this and the result was dissolve()
Have you compared the two in terms of the quality of the result (whatever this is) and performance?
If the results were different, would both of them be useful in different scenarios or would only one be needed?
In Boost.Geometry we divide algorithms into two parts, coordinate-system agnostic and specific/dependent. The former we call algorithms and the latter strategies. So strategies define some coordinate-system specific building blocks like calculating a side of a point wrt a line or performing an intersection of two segments, etc. Then the coordinate-system agnostic algorithm uses these building blocks. Can your solution be adapted to work in non-cartesian coordinate system or is it cartesian-only? Does your algorithm fit into this algorithm-strategy model and if yes what are the coordinate-system specific building blocks?
I'm not sure if naming it correct()
is a good idea. This function is for adapting the data to the compile-time parameters of a type, i.e. point order and closure. We probably shouldn't change its behavior at this point because some of the users might unexpectedly notice a drop of performance. But let's leave the naming for later.
AFAIK @barendgehrels was working on this and the result was
algorithm: Have you compared the two in terms of the quality of the result (whatever this is) and performance? If the results were different, would both of them be useful in different scenarios or would only one be needed?
We tried (from the tilemaker project), but we never got this extension to compile. You can see on the github I generate the examples from @barendgehrels:
TBH i do not understand @barendgehrels approach, so I can not judge on how this compares. He had issues on certain polygons, and this is a generalized approach. Only one approach would make sense.
There is also a discussion going on about this method on JTS:
GEOS also have done an extensive comparison on polygon repair methods: Using this approach, it is possible to apply both NZW or odd-even, so you can have both behaviour regarding handling inners.
I think in your definition (correct me if I am wrong), this is an algorithm, because it uses the following coordinate specific operations:
- Calculate the intersection of two segments
- Checking if two points are equal
- Performing union and intersecting of polygons (different policies apply here).
At the moment it is a full-correct implementation, also correcting orientation, closing ring, removing invalid points. But i don't suggest integrating this, i think the self-intersecting removal is the only thing needed for boost geometry.
I think also a function like this should be part of boost geometry, many projects can benefit from this.
Hi Wouter, thank you for approaching us!
It looks promising. I will look into it in more detail. I didn't look at our dissolve
extension for quite a while, sorry if it was broken somehow. We planned to include it at some point, but now, we can maybe better select your approach which looks simpler. And if it is 100% correct - awesome!
What about the "BEER-WARE" license :smiley: can it be changed into Boost Software License (your name can stay there, of course)?
What about the "BEER-WARE" license 😃 can it be changed into Boost Software License (your name can stay there, of course)?
yes, of course. But you owe me a biertje, ok ? :D
It seems the topic became very relevant recently. Projects working on this and some recent scientific papers. one thing to check if maybe any of the authors of the paper filed any patents.
Sure, I owe you a biertje! :smiley:
Will you check patents?
Indeed I've troubles myself compiling dissolve too, we changed quite some strategies internally, and the extensions are sometimes not updated accordingly - there is no automatic CI for them. This makes it a bit harder to compare the algorithms.
Quick search show, there are patents, related to self-intersecting polygons, but some are chinese:
If you can compare the results, i would be interested to hear about your findings.
I did a comparison in terms of results and of performance. In short I think we can use this new algorithm. I like the two variants (correct and correct_odd_even). I agree with @awulkiew that the namings are not convenient, but we can fix that later.
I did not (yet) repair dissolve
, but I took changelist eefd70fcb
which is around 1.5 year old. That version worked for me (it's the last sha where I touched it).
This is my sample program, it's straightforward and not sophisticated
#include <boost/geometry/extensions/algorithms/dissolve.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/extensions/multi/algorithms/dissolve.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/multi_polygon.hpp>
#include "boost_geometry_correct/correct.hpp"
#include "boost_geometry_correct/data/CLC2006_180927.wkt.cpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
template <typename Mp>
void map(std::string const& name, Mp const& mp, Mp const& result)
using point = typename boost::geometry::point_type<Mp>::type;
std::string const filename = std::string("/tmp/svg/") + name + ".svg";
std::ofstream svg(filename.c_str());
boost::geometry::svg_mapper<point> mapper(svg, 400, 400);
// Original, light yellow, "fill-opacity:0.3;fill:rgb(255,255,192);stroke:rgb(255,255,0);" "stroke-width:1");
// Fixed, blue on top, "fill-opacity:0.6;fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke:rgb(0,0,128);" "stroke-width:2");
template <typename Mp>
void measure_performance(std::string const& name, Mp const& mp, char option, int count)
auto const start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
const double remove_spike_threshold = 1E-12;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Mp result;
case 'd' : boost::geometry::dissolve(mp, result); break;
case 'c' : geometry::correct(mp, result, remove_spike_threshold); break;
case 'o' : geometry::correct_odd_even(mp, result, remove_spike_threshold); break;
auto const end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto const ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count();
std::cout << name << " " << option << " time: " << ms / 1000.0 << std::endl;
void compare_fix_methods(std::string const& name, std::string const& wkt, int count = 0)
using point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double>;
using polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<point>;
using multi_polygon = boost::geometry::model::multi_polygon<polygon>;
multi_polygon mp, dissolved, corrected, oddeven;
boost::geometry::read_wkt(wkt, mp);
boost::geometry::dissolve(mp, dissolved);
double const remove_spike_threshold = 1E-12;
geometry::correct(mp, corrected, remove_spike_threshold);
geometry::correct_odd_even(mp, oddeven, remove_spike_threshold);
auto valid_str = [](bool v) { return v ? "valid" : "invalid"; };
std::cout << name << " areas " << boost::geometry::area(mp)
<< " d " << boost::geometry::area(dissolved)
<< " " << valid_str(boost::geometry::is_valid(dissolved))
<< " c " << boost::geometry::area(corrected)
<< " " << valid_str(boost::geometry::is_valid(corrected))
<< " o " << boost::geometry::area(oddeven)
<< " " << valid_str(boost::geometry::is_valid(oddeven))
<< std::endl;
map(name + "_d", mp, dissolved);
map(name + "_c", mp, corrected);
map(name + "_o", mp, oddeven);
if (count > 0)
measure_performance(name, mp, 'd', count);
measure_performance(name, mp, 'c', count);
measure_performance(name, mp, 'o', count);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Generates a random polygon
std::string get_random(long long seed)
std::mt19937 engine(seed);
auto real_rand = std::bind(std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(0,1), engine);
std::string first;
std::string result = "MULTIPOLYGON(((";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
std::ostringstream out;
out << real_rand() << " " << real_rand();
if (i > 0) { result += ","; } else { first = out.str(); }
result += out.str();
// Close and finish it
result += "," + first + ")))";
return result;
int main()
compare_fix_methods("pentagram", "MULTIPOLYGON(((5 0, 2.5 9, 9.5 3.5, 0.5 3.5, 7.5 9, 5 0)))", 10000);
compare_fix_methods("complex", "MULTIPOLYGON(((55 10, 141 237, 249 23, 21 171, 252 169, 24 89, 266 73, 55 10)))", 10000);
compare_fix_methods("multiple", "MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 10 0, 0 10, 10 10, 0 0, 5 0, 5 10, 0 10, 0 5, 10 5, 10 0, 0 0)))", 10000);
compare_fix_methods("overlapping", "MULTIPOLYGON (((10 70, 90 70, 90 50, 30 50, 30 30, 50 30, 50 90, 70 90, 70 10, 10 10, 10 70)))", 10000);
compare_fix_methods("random42", get_random(42), 10);
compare_fix_methods("random123", get_random(123), 10);
compare_fix_methods("large", wkt_CLC2006_180927, 10);
return 0;
It can be compiled, for example, like this clang -O3 verify_dissolve.cpp -I ~/git_private/boost_work/ -I ~/git_other -std=c++14 -lstdc++ -lm
The results are (noted as dissolved, correct, correct o/e, first area/validity of results, then times in milliseconds):
pentagram areas 33.5 d 25.6158 valid c 25.6158 valid o 17.7317 valid
pentagram d time: 0.067
pentagram c time: 0.155
pentagram o time: 0.552
complex areas 23248.5 d 21123.3 valid c 20252.5 valid o 17256.4 valid
complex d time: 1.467
complex c time: 0.4
complex o time: 2.712
multiple areas 0 d 37.5 valid c 25 valid o 37.5 valid
multiple d time: 1.597
multiple c time: 1.137
multiple o time: 8.138
overlapping areas 4400 d 4000 valid c 4000 valid o 3600 valid
overlapping d time: 0.095
overlapping c time: 0.173
overlapping o time: 0.959
random42 areas 0.397102 d 0.10757 invalid c 0.317975 valid o 0.370735 valid
random42 d time: 0.025
random42 c time: 0.137
random42 o time: 27.539
random123 areas 0.505316 d 0.301726 invalid c 0.400009 valid o 0.362924 valid
random123 d time: 0.027
random123 c time: 0.167
random123 o time: 33.87
large areas 0.681723 d 0.681723 valid c 0.68125 invalid o 0.681723 invalid
large d time: 24.462
large c time: 8.629
large o time: 19.46
svgs (generated in /tmp/svg
) give impressions of the correctness.
The performance depends on the input. This is more often the case. Sometimes dissolve is faster, sometimes correct is faster. The correct_odd_even
is usually (but not always) the slowest.
For the two random generated polygons, dissolve
doesn't work correctly (visually) and its result is invalid. The version of correct
looks wrong too, but is marked as valid. Only the odd_even
version looks correctly to me.
The large areas
is using wkt_CLC2006_180927
(I changed it into a MULTI, it's the only change I made). It somehow lists the result as invalid (maybe I missed something) for correct and odd_even.
In summary: no version is just better, we can investigate more, and maybe even publish both algorithms. The correct
uses repetitive calls of intersects
and union
(I tried to avoid that in dissolve) and that is a reason why it can be slower. Maybe it can be enhanced (didn't look at that). The results of correct_odd_even
look the best and most useful to me. dissolve
sometimes fails, and should be repaired. But it is often quicker (at this moment). I know that some users are using it, so we should (probably) keep it unless they are fine with alternatives too.
One of the randomly generated polygons (yellow: input, blue: the result) of:
I can include more pictures on request, but you can also generate them yourselves.
And it would actually be useful to get more realistic random examples (for example with generated stars on random overlapping places and fix those, I will probably adapt the random_ellipses_stars
test for that)
Yes, odd-even looks the most correct in this case.
This document describes also a lot of test cases which really show the differences in how the union/overlapping regions can be handled:
Different approaches to union/intersect will result in different outputs. It is difficult to say what is correct and what is not.
Also, regarding the union, i now perform the "union" myself:
Ideally, i would just like to use a normal union. But this does slow down the approach severely. So the union/intersect is still something to look at.
maybe it is not that strange to provide a "decompose into simple polygons" functions. And implement correct based on this, but also allow the user to just get hold of the decomposed polygon him/herself.
In this case:
the non-zero winding is calculated based on the generated polygon. So you only have an outer, with an inner inside. But I guess the winding should be based on the input polygon. I am not sure how to do this easily, do i have to perform a raytracing for this, or is there some other way ?
I guess maybe some sweep over the generated polygons should be performed
The is also the possibility to always combine an outer as an outer. In case of the random generated polygon, this would mean, the complete outer perimeter of the polygon is traced and the inside is completely filled. This is fast, because you can just union the generated polygons. No need to detect winding/odd-even.
One way would be to provide a "complete" solution, several ways of calculating this resulting valid polygon. Then the user would be able to choose the one that is the most suitable for a specific application.
Another way would be the practical approach. Instead of considering a totally random polygon which could probably only be the result of an error in an algorithm or some garbage from memory we could think about the reasons why we may be forced to deal with self-intersections in practice. Why a polygon may be self-intersecting? Is it a result of some faulty algorithm? Is it a human-error while creating areas in OSM? Can this polygon be arbitrary or would there be e.g. several classes of self-intersecting polygons? What the library users will the most typically deal with? Etc.
For instance, is there somewhere a collection of self-intersecting polygons that can be found in OSM right now?
From the top of my head I can think of two classes of self-intersectiong polygons which I think are the most common (I may be wrong).
- Polygons representing holes with the exterior ring. This could be a valid result of some algorithm from other library or polygon created by a user that deosn't know how to create holes:
- Vertices very close to each other causing edges to self-intersect, the result of a numerical error or caused by a user.
The first case is simple, parts of the exterior ring has to be converted into interior rings. The second one is more ambiguous. I'd argue that what should probably happen would be to preserve all interiors and exteriors based on winding which means that the small triangle on the upper right would be removed and the small triangle on the left would be preserved and merged with the rest of the interior. So the result would be a polygon with a hole.
It'd argue that it'd be sufficient for an algorithm to cover these plus maybe several other classes of self-intersections found in practice (maybe you can think about more or get them from the OSM). If I had to choose between several algorithms successfully dealing with these I'd probably choose the one of the least complexity or the fastest for my specific use case.
@awulkiew On one hand, yes, you are right. In OSM data indeed many of these errors are quite simple. I think they are caused by GPS devices that are used to take the measurement, indeed sometimes the user enters them correctly. And some data is retrieved from satellite images which are converted to polygons.
The errors you describe are indeed very common. And also sometimes multipolygons are drawn like one polygon:
Spikes are also very common, that is why I added also a spike removal threshold. Spikes are usually two completely overlapping segments. They result in a ABA type sub polygon after intersection removal, and they have no significant area.
Indeed performance is important. In the OSM data there are actually many self-intersecting polygons. Many of them, actually, render just fine. Because there javascript libraries can handle many cases of self-intersecting polygons. Some, however, are not rendered ok. And this means you will have a large region covered with some rogue polygons.
The approach I implemented now in the default correct, handles these cases you mention correctly. If the sub polygon is oriented clockwise, it will become an outer. If it is CCW, it will become an inner.
If you want to fully correctly handle non-zero winding, you may need to implement raytracing. This may affect performance very negatively. It seems the odd-even approach, is fully correct according to how odd-even should behave. If I benchmark this, on actual geo data, the polygon that @barendgehrels describes, both the odd-even and non-zero winding approach finish in 1600ms on my mobile cpu / slow / embedded linux device. Probably because there are self-intersection in the outer in this data, but actually no overlapping inners or whatever. So it actually suprises me that in the benchmark of barend there is a difference in performance.
I think it is possible to calculate the NZW rule without too much negative performance impact. It only applies to overlapping polygons. And because all self-intersection is removed, the polygons are not intersecting anymore. So you can put them in an rtree, ask for overlapping polygons, and basicly calculate the position (inside or out) of this polygon based on the orientation of the rings around.
I guess this can also speed up odd-even, because this needs to be calculated only for regions which are overlapping. Other regions you can just union together.
I will have a look to see how this combining can be improved
And also sometimes multipolygons are drawn like one polygon:
This means that for my second example the small triangle should be preserved because this might be a user drawing multipolygon like that.
In general what OSM users will do is going to depend on how the polygon is displayed in the app they're using for editing and how the tiles are rendered on the official website. So basically the expected self-intersections will be those which Potlatch and Mappnik (and maybe JOSM) show well.
But that's only one use-case.
Btw, my images were generated with inkscape. So this program displays the self-intersecting polygons the same way that we're describing here too.
Yes, this little area in the corner. It really depends on the situation if you want to keep it. Sometimes you have these small areas near the corners of building, and in that case, you want to remove it. Sometimes, this area is a whole part of the building, and you want to keep it. So you can play a little with this "spike" removal, and remove these small non-significant areas. And hopefully, you will get it right in most cases.
Yes, you are right. In the OSM case, you want to follow the behaviour of the editor.
I have polygons: A: POLYGON((70 50,70 10,10 10,10 70,50 70,50 90,70 90,70 70,90 70,90 50,70 50)) B: POLYGON((50 50,50 70,70 70,70 50,50 50)) C: POLYGON((50 50,50 30,30 30,30 50,50 50))
When I use sym difference (Xor) as follows: C xor B xor A I get: MULTIPOLYGON(((70 50,70 10,10 10,10 70,50 70,50 90,70 90,70 70,90 70,90 50,70 50),(70 50,70 70,50 70,50 50,70 50),(50 50,30 50,30 30,50 30,50 50))) And polygon is not valid: Geometry has disconnected interior
When I use sym difference (Xor) as follows: A xor B xor C I get: MULTIPOLYGON(((70 50,70 70,90 70,90 50,70 50)),((70 70,50 70,50 90,70 90,70 70)),((50 50,70 50,70 10,10 10,10 70,50 70,50 50),(50 50,30 50,30 30,50 30,50 50))) And polygon is valid
Byte with sym. difference, order should not make a difference, right ? A sym.difference B = B sym.difference A
I fixed the non-zero winding, this is now :
random42 non-zero winding:
That looks correct. Speed odd-even is now improved. Non-zero winding is now slower :) I have to see if some further optimization can be done, but I think the filling is now correct like in SVG.
I optimized now the non-zero winding approach, but #869 is now preventing me from further optimizing the odd-even approach. @barendgehrels can you maybe run a benchmark again on your machine ?
@kleunen thanks for all your efforts, messages and improvements! I currently don't work daily on this project but I've read the messages, cool. @awulkiew thanks for your input!
I'll run the benchmark again this weekend (this is another computer).
Clipper defines two additional polygon fill types:
- Even-Odd (Alternate): Odd numbered sub-regions are filled, while even numbered sub-regions are not.
- Non-Zero (Winding): All non-zero sub-regions are filled.
- Positive: All sub-regions with winding counts > 0 are filled.
- Negative: All sub-regions with winding counts < 0 are filled.
I like this positive and negative, but I would define them differently:
- Positive: All sub-polygons from the outer are filled, all inners are empty
- Negative: Outers are joined into outer rings, inners are converted to filled
Positive can be generated very quickly, it does not need to calculate the winding. This might be useful when performance is a concern. Negative i don't see a practical purpose, but if you have positive, why not have negative ?
Well done! I can confirm that it is faster now, sometimes much faster, and that the correct
is fixed for the random "junk" polygons
pentagram areas 33.5 d 25.6158 valid c 25.6158 valid o 17.7317 valid
pentagram d time: 0.066
pentagram c time: 0.213
pentagram o time: 0.528
complex areas 23248.5 d 21123.3 valid c 21123.3 valid o 17256.4 valid
complex d time: 1.407
complex c time: 0.661
complex o time: 2.671
multiple areas 0 d 37.5 valid c 50 valid o 37.5 valid
multiple d time: 1.583
multiple c time: 1.625
multiple o time: 1.961
overlapping areas 4400 d 4000 valid c 4000 valid o 3600 valid
overlapping d time: 0.087
overlapping c time: 0.223
overlapping o time: 0.879
random42 areas 0.397102 d 0.10757 invalid c 0.540874 valid o 0.370735 valid
random42 d time: 0.024
random42 c time: 0.637
random42 o time: 1.595
random123 areas 0.505316 d 0.301726 invalid c 0.510328 valid o 0.362924 valid
random123 d time: 0.026
random123 c time: 0.828
random123 o time: 1.847
large areas 0.681723 d 0.681723 valid c 0.68125 invalid o 0.681723 invalid
large d time: 23.29
large c time: 8.389
large o time: 14.641
The odd even approach can have the same performance as the other approach. But for this, the difference should be fixed.
I'm looking at the code. It might be possible to change dissolve_find_intersections
into just using detail::self_get_turn_points::self_turns
. You will then get all turns back, and you can iterate through them to assign the pseudo_vertices
you need.
I don't know if it is faster, but it uses the more standard way.
Anyway, it's just a question, I'm just curious to the difference. It is not really necessary to change it. I added some statements and the current method looks fast anyway.
The odd even approach can have the same performance as the other approach. But for this, the difference should be fixed.
Yes I noticed the new issue. Will look at it.
I'm looking at the code. It might be possible to change
into just usingdetail::self_get_turn_points::self_turns
. You will then get all turns back, and you can iterate through them to assign thepseudo_vertices
you need.I don't know if it is faster, but it uses the more standard way.
Anyway, it's just a question, I'm just curious to the difference. It is not really necessary to change it. I added some statements and the current method looks fast anyway.
Yes it sounds like this function can be used. The other things is that i basicly crafted my own union which checks intersection before performing the union. This is much faster than the standard union. But i dont understand why.
It adds a polygon to an existing multipolygon.
I'm looking at the code. It might be possible to change
into just usingdetail::self_get_turn_points::self_turns
. You will then get all turns back, and you can iterate through them to assign thepseudo_vertices
you need.I don't know if it is faster, but it uses the more standard way.
Anyway, it's just a question, I'm just curious to the difference. It is not really necessary to change it. I added some statements and the current method looks fast anyway.
I tried this, but I think this algorithm misses the cases when two segments have multiple intersection points (they are collinear). Is that possible ? It only returns 1 turn in that case, while 2 turns should be found.