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Feature: Improve Variant support (run-time exception, lazy_not_implemented)

Open awulkiew opened this issue 9 years ago • 15 comments

This PR adds 2 new utilities which could be used to improve the Variant support:

  • lazy_not_implemented - a replacement for not_implemented which checks static assertions in apply() member functions instead of a struct body. It allows to check if the algorithm is not implemented at compile-time without the static assertion failure. A side effect is the generation of lesser number of errors v.s. not_implemented.
  • is_not_implemented - a tool which can be used to check if e.g. an algorithm is implemented for some specific Geometries. It takes 2 types and a MetaPolicy which must define a struct apply<G1, G2> defining a value indicating if e.g. an algorithm is implemented. It's specialized for boost::variant and "returns" true only if all of the combinations of Variants elements are not defined.

Both of those tools allows to check in compile-time if an algorithm should be able to work for specific Variant types if only the user stored supported Geometries in those Variants. So compile-time errors works like before. In the case of Variants, for supported combinations the code calling the algorithm is generated and for not supported combinations the code throwing bg::not_implemented_exception is generated. This allows to use an algorithm like this:

point_t pt;
polygon_t poly;
variant<point_t, polygon_t> v1, v2;
variant<polygon_t> v3;
variant<point_t> v4;

within(pt, poly); // compiles
//within(poly, pt); // does not compile

within(v1, v2); // compiles and runs (Pt/Pt)

v1 = poly;
within(v1, v2); // compiles but throws an exception (Poly/Pt)

within(v3, v4); // does not compile, all combinations not supported, actually only one (Poly/Pt)

awulkiew avatar May 05 '15 18:05 awulkiew

This is awesome! I have been struggling on this problem for a while now, trying to find the less intrusive way to implement that functionality.

I like your solution: AFAIU adapting an algorithm means adding an extra step at the variant resolve stage to check if the algo is implemented using is_not_implemented and the MetaPolicy. Getting this MetaPolicy right may be a bit tricky though since not every "not implement feature" are "reported" to the dispatch class. IOW, checking if dispatch derived from nyi::not_implemented_tag may be not enough. For instance:

  • for algorithms with policy, the policy may not be implemented;
  • for algorithms that call an other algorithm internally, that second algo may not be implemented. For within, I would have thought that testing if relate derive from nyi::not_implemented_tag would be necessary;
  • for algorithm that have an output (e.g. intersection), the output type should be checked as well.

It could be handy to have a few predefined metapolicy (e.g. one that would check that the dimension and coordinate systems of the geometries are the same) and compose them to build the within_metapolicy.

May be some tests with BOOST_CHECK_THROW could be added to check the behavior of the within function itself ?

Thank you for this excellent PR.

sdebionne avatar May 07 '15 11:05 sdebionne

Indeed you're right. Thanks for bringing those points up!

within depends on relate and detail::point_in_geometry(). So what I think we could do would be to care more about the way how dispatch::within<> is specialized. E.g. if the dispatching was falling down to the relate then this dispatch::within<> should be somehow derived from not_implemented_tag, e.g. has dispatch::relate<> as a base class.

As for the Strategy, unless I'm missing something I think currently using Variants with non-default strategy probably has little sense because currently it's possible to pass only one Strategy into an algorithm. Now, if we had only one coordinate system I'd say that a lack of default strategy for an implemented algorithm is a bug. But with various CSes indeed it may be that a Strategy is not implemented, and currently the instantiation of default_strategy for not supported combination just fails at compile-time. So we'd also need to add some mechanism similar to lazy_not_implemented to strategies. E.g. by default return some lazy_not_implemented_strategy derived from not_implemented_tag. And then indeed also check it the same way, e.g. on the resolve_strategy step.

I'm not sure if we should allow to store in a Variant type Geometries using different dimensions or coordinate systems. The library in general dissallows such usage.

So yes, we could improve the support even more. This is only the first step. Before moving forward I'd like to get feedback from others if they agree that it's a good direction.

awulkiew avatar May 07 '15 12:05 awulkiew

This is definitely a good start and the potential issues mentioned above should not stop moving forward!

I'm not sure if we should allow to store in a Variant type Geometries using different dimensions or coordinate systems. The library in general disallows such usage.

My opinion is that variants of different dimensions or coordinate systems should be allowed. If not, the user has to handle this use case (which is quite common IMHO) upstream and that may be a bit cumbersome: that would probably mean re-implementing the resolve variant stage. Unless the MetaPolicy is exposed in a public interface of the algorithm and could be customized by the user:

 template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename MetaPolicy = resolve_variant::within_metapolicy>
 inline bool within(Geometry1 const& geometry1, Geometry2 const& geometry2)

This would give the maximum flexibility at the expense of an additional (defaulted) template parameter.

sdebionne avatar May 11 '15 08:05 sdebionne

So what are we going to do with this PR?

mkaravel avatar Jun 02 '15 08:06 mkaravel

@brunolalande What is your opinion on this? Is it okay or would you have liked to do something else?

mkaravel avatar Jun 02 '15 08:06 mkaravel


I never really had the time to dig for a solution to this problem, and this approach looks promising so I'd give it a go. I would just recommend to try it on a more complicated algorithm just to check we are not going to come across any showstopper that would force us to change directions.

Regarding the situation where algorithm A falls back to B, it has always been my feeling that A's dispatch class should systematically inherit from B's dispatch class. Doing this consistently means we can rely on it in the situation described in this conversation, and many others (I tried to generalize it when I implemented support_status, as it was critical to have correct results). The problem is how to enforce it - technically, inheriting from a dispatch class is not needed to call its apply function, so it's easy to miss. We could reimplement dispatch classes to make this mandatory, by making the apply function protected or something...

Regarding mixing several dimensions/CS in one variant, I'm fundamentally against it but I'd like examples of when this would be needed. Samuel you're saying it's "quite common", what situations do you have in mind?

Regards Bruno

brunolalande avatar Jun 02 '15 19:06 brunolalande

Regarding mixing several dimensions/CS in one variant, I'm fundamentally against it but I'd like examples of when this would be needed. Samuel you're saying it's "quite common", what situations do you have in mind?

Well, "it's quite common" is always easier said than proved! Anyway, here is my use case: I'm building a spatial extension for sqlite, in the same vein than spatialite but with Boost.Geomtry instead of GEOS.

See a minimalist implementation of ST_Within for example:

void fnct_within(
    sqlite3_context *context,
    int argc,
    sqlite3_value **argv)
    GEOMLITE_ASSERT(argc == 2);

    gis::cgeometries_t geom;
    gis::read_blob(argv[0], geom1);
    gis::read_blob(argv[1], geom2);

        bool b = bg::within(geom1, geom2);
        sqlite3_result_int(context, b ? 1 : 0);
        sqlite3_result_error_code(context, SQLITE_MISMATCH);

geom1 and geom2 is a variant holding any of the OGC SFS types, that is Point, Linestring, Polygon (an their multi counterparts) in 2D and 3D. read_blob() parses a BLOB and constructs the variant bounded type that matches the BLOB geometry type (dynamic io).

Supposing that mixed dimensions is not supported, I would need to make sure that geometry::within() is not instantiated when dim/CS are different since it would fail to compile. Basically I would have to rewrite the resolve_variant stage. I don't say that it's not feasible but it's a bit cumbersome...

Within the framework of this PR, it would be helpfull to let the user override the MetaPolicy.

In return, why are you fundamentally against it ?

sdebionne avatar Jun 03 '15 14:06 sdebionne

I'm building a spatial extension for sqlite, in the same vein than spatialite but with Boost.Geometry instead of GEOS.

Perfect!!! That is good news.

barendgehrels avatar Jun 03 '15 15:06 barendgehrels

Hmm sorry, it looks like I missed one important word in my reply, I meant "I'm NOT fundamentally against it" :-)

Thanks for the example, I was too much focused on situations where you would indeed want to have geometries of different dimensions interact, while the problem is more that you don't know at runtime what will be the dimension. I agree that such cases will arise as soon as you deal with dynamic input.

Regards Bruno

brunolalande avatar Jun 04 '15 12:06 brunolalande

@awulkiew I have been playing a bit with your PR. With MSVC 12 all is fine but with clang 3.6, I get a compile time error reported by the default strategy. My variant is made of point_2d_cs, linestring_2d_cs, polygone_2d_cs (same dimensions / coordinate systems). It seems that the Strategy is instantiated with <point_2d_cs, point_2d_cs> and that triggers an MPL_ASSERT. I'm still investigating, but does the tests pass with clang on your side ?

@barendgehrels Thank you for your support! It's a side project though, not a full time commitment, so it's a slow work in progress. The results are rather promising in terms of performance.

sdebionne avatar Jun 23 '15 06:06 sdebionne

@sdebionne I haven't tested with clang yet. It doesn't surprise me that strategies can fail because I haven't touch them yet, so the old code is used for strategies and as you noticed an MPL_ASSERT is checked there. As I mentioned above the strategies should also be altered in a similar way how the dispatched algorithm were. Sorry that I left this PR hanging but I don't have time right now to play with it. I'm planning to get back to it for a while, but if you'd like to play with it feel free to do it. I wouldn't have anything against closing this PR if you came up with a more mature solution.

I'm also not surprised that something wich should fail doesn't fail with MSVC. We must have in mind that the code should fail with all compilers in a similar way. So the fact that it doesn't is worrying. But does it fail if you pass non-supported combination, e.g. within(poly, ls) if the geometries are passed directly, without variants?

awulkiew avatar Jun 23 '15 11:06 awulkiew

@awulkiew Here is what if found that could explain the difference of behavior between the two compilers: Clang is fairly strictly conforming to the two-phase name lookup. However, MSVC has a template parsing model that delays nearly every lookup to instantiation time, which is part of phase 2. This is probably why the code would compile with MSVC (which is non-conforming bu compiling) and not in clang. There is a pretty neat article on the clang blog:

The Dreaded Two-Phase Name Lookup

But does it fail if you pass non-supported combination, e.g. within(poly, ls) if the geometries are passed directly, without variants?

Yes, it does fail as expected. In a way, MSVC behavior is more user-friendly, as it does no instantiate template that will never been used (the resolve variant stage would throw not_implemented_exception before any strategy is actually used). But I agree that the difference of behavior is annoying and a fix is not schedule for MSVC 2015 so we will have to deal with it:

The remaining features to be implemented will all involve major overhauls that we just couldn't cram into this release (Expression SFINAE, the C99 preprocessor, and C++98's two-phase name lookup).

Strategies are not currently using not_implemented, is there any reason for that ? I'll try to modify the within default strategy to use the lazy_not_implemented and report here.

sdebionne avatar Jun 23 '15 16:06 sdebionne

@sdebionne Regarding failing with Clang, which algorithms, geometries and coordinate systems have you tested?

awulkiew avatar Jan 22 '16 00:01 awulkiew

@awulkiew From the top of my head, I was trying to implement ST_Within using the within algorithm and the variant bounded types were point_2d_cs, linestring_2d_cs, polygone_2d_cs (same dimensions / coordinate systems). But in my real life use case, the bounded types are every possible OGC geometries (dynamic input)... Let me know if I can help.

sdebionne avatar Mar 30 '16 16:03 sdebionne


I'm building a spatial extension for sqlite, in the same vein than spatialite but with Boost.Geomtry instead of GEOS.

Has this been published in any repository?

@awulkiew What is the status of this PR?

mloskot avatar Mar 07 '18 18:03 mloskot