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transparent operator like `less<void>` is not functionally usable with bimap

Open schaumb opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

The current implementation is not allow to use transparent comparator/hash operator functionality.

boost::bimap<int, boost::bimaps::set_of<const char*, std::less<>>> test;

std::string stg;
test.right.find(stg); // error

The compile error message is the following:

/opt/compiler-explorer/libs/boost_1_80_0/boost/bimap/container_adaptor/associative_container_adaptor.hpp:194:17: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'boost::bimaps::container_adaptor::detail::key_to_base_identity<const char *, const char *const>'
                this->template functor<key_to_base>()(k)

schaumb avatar Sep 13 '22 10:09 schaumb