I also need to say being a newbie that superpatcher may not have caused this problem. Any help getting to the bottom of this much appreciated
I will be uninstalling superpatcher.
Hi looks like I need to read the manual . Sorry I can see why you would need to reply and sort that out . Once again my apologies for...
Another stupid question I should know and or look up myself .... should the downward sensors kick in if gps signal is lost ?
Thanks again .Appreciate your responding .
so sorry for your loss , I too had a very scarey moment today after doing superpatcher I had a disconnect and never re connected but luckily nmy rth worked...
So happy to hear you got it back and you can fix it . Questions need to be asked and answers had so we can feel safe in modding our...
I would like to see the results of the log files
Thanks mate so what was the problem ? On Tue, 28 Apr. 2020, 6:36 pm MatthewPoland, wrote: > Here you go! > > > > — > You...
Hmm probably DJI worming their way in some how . Sooo sneaky. On Tue, 28 Apr. 2020, 6:46 pm Matthew P., wrote: > I don't know. It's not clear what...