live-stream-object-detection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
live-stream-object-detection copied to clipboard

Share your webcam stream with real-time object detection to the public by Node.js.


Share your webcam stream with real-time object detection to the public by Node.js.


This project using the following technologies to go:

  • opencv4nodejs: Use it to capture webcam frames and more power
  • TensorFlow Object Detection: Use it to detect objects on a frame
  • FFmpeg: Use it to compress frames and make the live streaming
  • ws: Use it to send stream to web browser
  • JSMpeg: Use it to decode streaming from server for web browser
  • ngrok: Use it to get public and secure URL for exposing the local web server
  • express: Use it to make a web server



The below commands to install the project.

  1. npm install
  2. node server.js

Running the demo

  • Make sure you are still in the project_root directory
  • To run the server: node server.js then you will get the Ngrok HTTP URL in terminal
  • To run the demo, open a browser and go to Ngrok HTTP URL

The app should be up and running!