@Fabeuss Can you describe how you updated it and what the error message was?
@Fabeuss Thanks! I'll take a deep look into the related code. Maybe you can check if there is a backup file.
> I had the same issue and it was due to using the "latest" tag. Do you know any detailed reason?
@mariushosting @Fabeuss @p-jones If you got the issue of `no such table: migration_history`, please run these SQL manually into your database file. (Backup first if possible)
How can we call a private memo PRIVATE if it can be seen by others? In my opinion, you should set the visibility field to a "public" value for online...
@kaihir Feel free to contribute with German i18n:) You can follow this PR which added the French i18n item.
tag 的格式是 `#TAG_NAME空格`,后面要跟个空格
@xgugeng 是的,不建议修改创建时间,就和微信不建议发纯文字的朋友圈类似。目前的触发方式是双击时间,具体可以看看这个 PR 的改动
@zy9306 暂不考虑,因为目前 tag 是存储在 memo.content,可以直接从里面获取出来,没必要再新建表来存储。 还有一个更为可行的方式是加一个 memo-shortcut table,与现在的 memo-resource 类似,可以用于实现类似于 tag 的效果,WDYT?
tag 放在内容里是 by design。后续将在后端实现一个 markdown parser,可以来做 tag 的更新和删除。