Sorry but I have not completed yet, maybe have to work for more time. :(
I updated the post, adding some details, and I think this pr is ready for reviewing now.
That's all right. We can still do it by ourselves by hand. Thanks for your work.
There is a parameter of getNote function called withResource. If it is set to true, the api caller will download the reource along with the note. that is why I...
It seems that the Travis CI works now and the latest AppImage has been built. Thanks again.
Are your auto sync options enabled? If so, you could try to disable all the options about auto sync temprarily, and see if it happens still.
You could run nixnote with --logLevel=1, and see what happens. ps: I noticed that your shared memory segment key is 'foo', instead of a random string, did you do any...
If so, then in NixNote::saveOnExit(), comment out from line 1302 to 1304, like this: ``` //QLOG_DEBUG()
If so, it should be syncThread, indexThread, counterThread or browserThread. Apply this new patch, and try again please. It may work this time. [nixnote.patch](
> Thanks for all your help. > No SIGABRT this time: That's OK. I'll create a pr for this issue later. > (FYI I did have to change while (!browserThread.isFinished());...